「白いご飯に合うおかず」は英語で「side dishes that go well with rice」と言います。海外は文化によってご飯+おかずの食生活はないかもしれないので、単に「food that goes well with rice」でも大丈夫だと思います。
Miso flavoring is perfect for food that goes well with rice.
- (side) dishes that go well with white rice
- dishes that pair well with white rice
- Miso is a great flavor for a side dish that is a great addition to rice.
- For side dishes that pair well with rice, miso is a good flavor for them.
ーa side dish that goes well with rice
to go well with rice で「ご飯に合う」
ーa side dish that makes you want to eat white rice
to make you want to eat ... で「…を食べたくなる」
Some kind of Miso flavoured dish makes you want to eat even more white rice.