世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/22 10:23
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  • I'm not too good with compliments, would you please give me more precise advice and criticism?

I'm not too good with compliments, would you please give me more precise advice and criticism instead?=褒められるのが苦手なので、代わりにもっと詳しいアドバイスや指摘をしてもらえますか? 褒めないで下さい、って日本語でもあまりストレートに言うと少しぎこちないような気がしたので敢えて「褒め言葉が苦手」と言う設定にしました。ちゃんとpleaseを入れると威圧感もないので忘れないようにしましょう。 Good luck!
  • Please, no need to flatter me.

  • Please, no need to praise me.

Pleaseは丁寧ですが、この場合はひとまず「制す」言い方になります。なので、表現的には「やめてください」という意味になります。 そして、 1番目の、no need to flatter me は「おべっか(お世辞)はいらないです」という意味で2番目の、no need to praise me は「褒めはいらないです」という意味になります。 上記2つとも少し強い意味合いを持ってしまうかも知れませんので、 Could you please point out what and where (precisely) I need to improve further? (更に、どこを何を更に(具体的に・正確に)改善していけばいいのかを指摘して頂けませんか?) と聞いた方がいいかも知れませんね。 参考にして頂ければ幸いです☆
  • Please refrain from complimenting me.

  • Instead of compliments, may I instead receive practical advice please?

"Please refrain from complimenting me. " - In this sentence you are directly telling the teacher to avoid complimenting you. "Instead of compliments, may I instead receive practical advise please?" - In this sentence you are asking your teacher to give you useful advice that can help you be better in English, instead of compliments.
"Please refrain from complimenting me." - この文では、はっきりと「褒めないようにして」と先生に求めています。 "Instead of compliments, may I instead receive practical advise please?" - この文では、褒める代わりに英語上達のためのアドバイスをくださいと先生にお願いしています。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry but I don't like compliments very much

  • Please just give me advice, not compliments

Well, if you really do not want any compliments, it is probably best to mention it. Teachers sometimes compliment students so as to motivate them and give a feeling of being positive in the lesson. Teachers also sometimes wait until later in the lesson to give advice and not mention every small error immediately. You can tell the teacher about your preferred method of correction: "Please do not compliment me - just stop me every time I make an error and explain how it may be corrected. Thanks."
もし誉め言葉が嫌いなら、これが一番良いと思う。先生は生徒のモチベーションをあげるためによく誉め言葉をいうよね・先生によってはアドバイスや小さな指摘はすぐにいうんじゃなくてレッスンの最後の方に後出しをしたりもするね。先生に直接自分の好きなやり方を伝えるのが良いと思うな。 例;"Please do not compliment me - just stop me every time I make an error and explain how it may be corrected. Thanks." 褒めないでください。私はミスをしたときだけなぜ正しい答えを教えるためにとめてください。ありがとうございます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • May you please not shower me with praises. I would prefer you give me constructive criticism.

This is not rude as you are been honest with the teacher because the main reason you are in the class is that you become better in English. This means that the teacher will then give you advice on the areas you need to work on.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please give me useful advice instead of alot of compliments

  • I would prefer practical advice instead of alot of compliements

When someone tells you how well they think you are doing these are called 'compliments' some people find these hard to listen to and get embarrassed If something helps you it is called 'useful' or 'practical' advice is something you tell someone to help them do something better
褒め言葉のことは 'compliments' といいます。人によっては恥ずかしいのでこれを聞きたがらない人もいます。 何かが役に立つことは 'useful' や 'practical' で表せます。 'advice' は、上達を助けるためにかける言葉をいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for the compliments, but I would prefer if you gave me more constructive criticism.

  • It would be so helpful to me if I received more practical advice than compliments.

  • Could I request for more learning tips instead of compliments?

Any of the above phrases would work to express your need for practical advice rather than just compliments. Of course, someone compliments usually out of sincerity. So it would be appropriate to recognize this and thank them for the compliments. However, it is perfectly acceptable to ask for practical suggestions, advice, constructive criticism, learning tips, or correction from a teacher as well. In order to help you learn better, tell the teacher what you need from them. As long as you communicate your needs respectfully, they will understand and try to meet your expectations.
上記どのフレーズでも、単なる褒め言葉ではなく実践的なアドバイスが欲しいことを先生に伝えることができます。 もちろん、褒め言葉というのは普通正直な気持ちから出るものなので、これについてはしっかりと感謝の気持ちを伝えた方がいいです。それでも、先生に実践的な提案やアドバイス、建設的な批判、学習のコツ、間違いの指摘等を求めること自体は全く問題ありません。より効率的に学べるように、先生に自分が何を求めているのかを伝えましょう。敬意を持って伝えれば、先生は納得してあなたの期待に応えようと努力してくれます。
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
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