There is a saying in Japan that if you are not good to your parents, you get a hangnail.
"There is a saying in Japan that if you are not good to your parents,"=「日本での言い伝えには、もしあなたが親孝行でなければ、」
("if you are not filial to your parents"=「もしあなたが親孝行でなければ」という言い方もできます。)
"you get a hangnail."=「ささくれが出来ると言われています。」
☆「迷信」は "superstition" です。
There's a Japanese superstition that says kids get a hangnail if they are disobedient to their parents.
Japanese people believe that they may get a hangnail if they are undutiful towards their parents.
ーThere's a Japanese superstition that says people get a hangnail if they are disobedient to their parents.
ーJapanese people believe that they may get a hangnail if they are undutiful towards their parents.
to get a hangnail「ささくれができる」
disobedient to one's parents「親不孝な・親に不従順な」
undutiful towards one's parents で「親不孝な」とも言えます。