世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/03 19:50
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  • My doctor told me not to drink.

  • My doctor said I shouldn't drink.

  • My doctor advised me not to drink.

told me not to ~ = 私に~しないように言った (命令) said I shouldn't ~ = 私は~すべきじゃないと言った(忠告・警告) advised me not to ~ = 私に~しないようアドバイスした(忠告) 「本当は飲みたいんだけど」と言いたい場合は、I'd love to, but my doctor ~ と続けるとよいです。
  • I was told by my doctor not to drink any alcohol.

「医者にアルコールは飲まないように言われてるんです」 お酒を冗談ぽく断るフレーズを考えてみました My deceased grandfather wrote in his will that I can’t drink too much alcohol. 「飲み過ぎるなというのが亡くなった祖父の遺言なんで」 I will have an allergic reaction if I drink too much alcohol. 「たくさん飲むとアレルギー症状が出ます」 「アレルギー」は本気で取られてしまうかもしれないので、 I'm just kidding. (冗談です)とすぐに言ってあげてください。
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • The Doctor told me to take it easy with the alcohol... hahahaha

  • The Doctor said I must try and quit drinking alcohol...hahahaha

>The Doctor told me to take it easy with the alcohol... hahahaha >The Doctor said I must try and quit drinking alcohol...hahahaha Both sentences can be used. When using the sentences you can always just giggle afterwards so that it can form some sort of joking sentence. It won't sound to serious when doing that.
The Doctor told me to take it easy with the alcohol... hahahaha The Doctor said I must try and quit drinking alcohol...hahahaha どちらもいつも冗談ぽくいって、くすくす笑う時にいつも使うことができる表現です。 それをいう時は、深刻に聞こえないような表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My doctor told me not to drink alcohol, isn't that funny?

1. My doctor told me not to drink alcohol, isn't that funny? When you use this statement, and say the phrase to the end "isn't that funny" it shows that you don't intend to take the doctor's advice seriously.
1. My doctor told me not to drink alcohol, isn't that funny? この表現を使う時、フレーズの最後に、「isn't that funny」と言うことができます。医者の助言を真剣に受けるつもりはないことを示しています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My doctor advised me to stay away from alcohol.(laughing)

  • The doctor told me to go easy with the alcohol.(laughing)

The above sentences can sound like a joke if you say it in joking manner. To go easy with something means to slow down. In this case it means to drink less alcohol. If you are used to having 3 maybe have 1.
上記の表現は、冗談を言う感じです。To go easy with somethingとは、気長にやるという意味です。この場合、少なめのお酒を飲むという意味になります。もしあなたが以前は3杯飲んでいたのなら、1杯にしましょうという感じです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My doctor told me to lay off the drink

  • My doctor warned me that I should stop drinking or die

  • My doctor pointed out that I was killing myself by drinking

I love my drink! I usually drink cider because it is the cheapest alcoholic drink available in the UK. I don't have much cash, but I manage to steel a bottle or two from the supermarkets most days. Some of my friends share their drink in the park if I don't have any. My doctor told me to lay off the drink. He pointed out that I was killing myself by drinking. But I can't stop! I went to AA for a while but it didn't help. AA = Alcoholics Anonymous - a well known organisation that helps alcoholics
飲むのは大好きなんだ。 いつもはサイダーばっかり飲むんだ。 UKじゃ安いからね。 最近は金欠でスーパーから1、2本くすねてばっかりさ。 持ってない時は時々友達が公園でくれたりするんだ。 医者は酒で俺が死ぬなんて行ってやめるよういうけど、やめられないんだ。 AAに通ってた時期もあったけど、全くダメだった。 AA = Alcoholics Anonymous - アルコール中毒者を助ける有名な機関。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My doctor advised me to stay away from alcohol.

  • My doctor told me not to drink alcohol anymore if I am to stay alive.

  • My doctor told me to keep as far away from alcohol as possible if I am to survive.

Usually, what we patients receive from doctors is advice. The noun 'advice' refers to recommendations and guidance, regarding prudent action that one needs to take in certain situations. If it comes from a doctor, you must abide by it. It's almost like a rule although it might sound funny. The advice doctors give us patients is like the prescriptions for medicines that they give us. Sometimes it's a life and death situation (do or die situation). So, you may say: My doctor advised me to stay away from alcohol. or My doctor told me not to drink alcohol anymore if I am to stay alive. or My doctor told me to keep as far away from alcohol as possible if I am to survive.
advice(名詞)は、ある状況においてどのように行動すべきかについての忠告・指導を言います。医者から受けたadviceは、守らなくてはなりません。おかしく聞こえるかもしれませんが、これはほぼルールのようなものです。医者が患者に与えるアドバイスは、薬の処方箋のようなものです。時に生死に関わる場合もあります。 下記のように言えます。 My doctor advised me to stay away from alcohol. 医者からお酒を断つように言われました。 My doctor told me not to drink alcohol anymore if I am to stay alive. 生きたいなら、これ以上お酒を飲まないようにと医者から言われました。 My doctor told me to keep as far away from alcohol as possible if I am to survive. 長生きしたいなら、出来る限りお酒を飲まないようにと医者から言われました。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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