I may suddenly not be able to attend so I want to contact you through LINE.
- I may suddenly not be able to attend so I want to contact you through LINE.
- There may be times where I am unable to attend last minute so I want to be able to message you through LINE.
- There are some people who suddenly may not be able to attend because of work matters that day so I want you to join a LINE group.
I might suddenly be unable to attend, so I want to contact you on LINE.
「出席できない場合もある」=「(I) might be unable to attend」
「ラインで」=「on LINE」
「連絡したい」=「(I) want to contact (you)」
ちなみに講師にライングループに入って欲しいという状況では、「Can you please join our LINE group?」と尋ねることが出来ます。
Some people might suddenly be unable to join the English conversation class on the day of due to work, so I want to contact you on LINE.