Don't worry too much about the details. Let's continue going onto the next one.
この場合、「細かいところに[こだわらないで](、次行こう」と言いたいなら、英語で「Don't worry too much about the details. Let's continue going onto the next one.」と言えます。
Don't get stuck in parts that are hard to understand, just keep reading.
Try not to get bogged down in the difficult sections. It's better to just keep going.
ーDon't get stuck in parts that are hard to understand, just keep reading.
to get stuck で「とらわれる・足止めされる」
ーTry not to get bogged down in the difficult sections. It's better to just keep going.
to get bogged down で「行き詰まる・はまり込む」