I heard that shortly after the installation was made, it started rusting.
「取り付けて程なくして錆びたって話を聞いたけど」は英語で「I heard that shortly after the installation was made, it started rusting.」と言います。
また、文脈で「この[換気扇](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36997/)がいいって勧められましたが、違う人からは取り付けてけっこーすぐに錆びたって話を聞きました。」と言いたいなら、英語で「I heard from a different person that shortly after the installation of this fan was done, it started rusting.」と言えます。
I was told this range hood was good, but someone else told me his started rusting not long after it was installed.
ーI was told this range hood was good, but someone else told me his started rusting not long after it was installed.
range hood「換気扇」
to start rusting「錆始める」
not long after「程なくして」