"It wasn't as inspirational as I thought it would be."
"I wasn't very impressed." 「あまり印象に残っていない」
"I was a little let down." 「ちょっと拍子抜けしてしまいました」
"It wasn't as inspirational as I thought it would be." 「思ったほど感動はなかった」"inspirational" の代わりに "moving" や "impressive" なども使えます。
I went to the museum and saw something I had been wanting to see for years, but when it suddenly appeared right in front of me, I didn't feel as moved as I thought I would.
I went to the museum and saw something I had been wanting to see for years, but when it suddenly appeared right in front of me, I didn't feel as moved as I thought I would.
not exactly what someone thought it would be 物事などが人が思っていたのとちょっと違う
not as good as one thought it would be 期待外れである