Visiting a place on holiday and actually living there are two completely different things
There's a world of difference between staying in a place on holiday and really living there.
".....two completely different things" - we use this construction when we want to stress that there is a big difference between two things/people/places/etc.
"Jane and her sister are two completely different children."
"There's a world of difference between..." - we use this form when again, stressing the difference between two things.
"There's a world of difference between playing football at school and being a professional player."
".....two completely different things" 両者の間に大きな違いがあることに重点を置きたい場合、こういった文法を使います。
例:"Jane and her sister are two completely different children."
"There's a world of difference between..." - こちらも両者の違いにストレスを置く場合に使います。
例;"There's a world of difference between playing football at school and being a professional player."
(1)Visiting a place as a tourist, and actually living there, are two totally different things.
(2)It's one thing to visit a place as a tourist, and quite another to actually move there for good.
★ 直訳
★ 語句と表現
・Visiting a place as a tourist 「旅行者としてある場所を訪れること」
これは visit a place as a tourist 「旅行者としてある場所を訪問する」を動名詞にして主語にしたものです。代わりに単純な visiting / traveling a place としても良いかとは思います。
・actually living there「実際にそこに住むこと」
ここまでで A and B という2つの主語を挙げたことになります。
・two totally different things「2つのまったく違うこと」
ここでは「まったく」を意味するのに totally を使いましたが、very を使っても大丈夫です。
これで文の構造としては、A and B are different things.「AとBは違うものだ」という単純な文の形が使われているのが分かると思います。
ここでは先に文構造を言いますと、A is one thing, and B is (quite) another. 「Aは1つのことで、Bは(まったく違う)もう1つのことだ」です。
これは少々堅い言い方ですが、日常会話で言うことがないわけではないです。たまに A is one thing の前半部分だけを会話でいうこともあります。この場合「それはそれだよ」のような意味合いです。
It's fun to talk with him. 「彼と話すのは楽しい」
この文の場合は、最初の It は「仮主語」で to talk with him が「真主語」と言われています。
つまりこの文を(初学者にとって)紛らわしくない書き方をすると To talk with him is fun. となり、主語の To talk with him「彼と話すこと」が楽しい is fun となります。
これを A is one thing, and B is (quite) another. に当てはめると英訳例の形になります。
To visit a place is one thing = It is one thing to visit a place
・move there「そこに移住する/引っ越す」
文中のこの部分は live there「そこに住む」としてもOKです。表現のバリエーションをお示しするために使いました。
・for good「ずっと/永遠に」
There is a big difference being a native and a tourist!
To truly know a place, you have to live and experience the everyday lifestyle and activities of that city. As a tourist, you visit the recommended sights and mostly the good things that the city has to offer, you do not see the poverty and hardships people, have to endure.
You'd feel different being a resident of where you've been.
Being a tourist is totally different from being a resident.
1. 仮定法の分詞構文を使った表現です。being a resident of where you've been「あなたが行ったことのある場所の居住者になるとすれば」という訳になり、you'd feel different「違うと感じるだろう」という主文につながります。全体として「旅行で訪れた場所に住むとなれば、また違うように感じるだろう」といった感じです。
2. A is different from Bの構文です。AとBに、being a tourist「旅行客になること」とbeing a resident「居住者になること」は、totally different「全く異なる」という文章になります。
Travelling to a place and actually living there are totally different
Visiting a place on holiday and living there are different
There is a difference between visiting a place on holiday than actually living there
When you speak about going on holiday to somewhere you use the terms 'Travelling' or 'visiitng' if something is different then it is not the same as something. Totally means it is very different and nothing like the other.
Traveling to a place for a vacation and living there is different
There's a difference between traveling to a place for vacation and living there
When you want to explain that there's a difference between traveling to a place for a vacation and living there; then you may say it in the following ways:
-Traveling to a place for a vacation and living there is different
-There's a difference between traveling to a place for vacation and living there
-Traveling to a place for a vacation and living there is different
-There's a difference between traveling to a place for vacation and living there
There's a huge difference between visiting a place and living there.
There's a massive difference between visiting a place and living there.
The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you think there is a difference between traveling to a place and living there. In the first sentence you will see the word huge and in the second sentence you will see the word massive. Both of these words mean very big. These words are commonly used in our everyday conversation. They would make awesome additions to your vocabulary.
"There's a huge difference between visiting a place on vacation and actually living there."
"There's a huge difference between visiting a place on vacation and actually living there."
Living and working abroad is totally different from travelling
Living and working abroad is totally different from traveling
Living and working abroad~ 住んで海外で働くこと
totally different 全く違う
travelling 旅行
●living&working abroadで現実的に物事を語っている様子です
There's a difference between visiting there and living there
Living there and vacationing there is different
Visiting there and visiting there is different が一般的な言い方です。
Vacationing there and living there is different がアメリカ英語の言い方です。Vacation はアメリカ英語の言葉です。
Going on holiday there and living there is different がイギリス英語の言い方です。