世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/26 18:37
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  • Would you like your drink first?

直訳もそのままですが、「あなたは、あなたの飲み物が最初にほしいですか」です。 ★ Would you like 〜 ?  接客で使う表現なので、お客様に対して丁寧に言うことから、Would you like 〜? を使っています。この表現単体では「〜がほしいですか」ですが、ここに first「最初に」を付けることによって、「最初に〜がほしいですか」となります。  Do you want 〜 ? でもいいですが、丁寧さという意味ではあまりふさわしくありません。 ★ その他  「飲み物はいつお持ちしましょうか」の場合ですと  When would you like your drink? となります。  「お飲み物はいかかですか」だと  Would you like some drink? と聞いたりします。  ご参考になれば幸いです。
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • Is it okay if I bring your drink right away?

  • Would you like your drink before or after your meal?

Is it okay if I bring your drink right away?=飲み物はすぐにお出ししてよろしいですか? Right away=すぐに Right nowと言っても正しいです。 Would you like your drink before or after your meal?=飲み物は食事の前と後どちらがよろしいですか? 食事のある前提です。
  • Shall I bring the drinks out to you first?

  • Shall I serve the drinks before you order?

  • Would you like some drinks out here before you order?

Any of these questions may be appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to start off with some drinks?

Most of the time consumers start off with drinks, so although this is a question, it can also be said in a way to prompt consumers to start the meal with drinks. This way they spend more money too. haha
ほとんどの場合、顧客は飲み物からスタートします。 そのため、いや、だからこそここでは料理と一緒に飲み物はどうかとすすめても良いでしょう。 そうすればもっとお金を落としてくれたりして。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like your drinks served before your meal?

  • Do you want your drinks before your meal?

"Would you like your drinks served before your meal?" is a polite and professional way to ask customers if they would like their beverage served before or with the meal.
"Would you like your drinks served before your meal?"(お食事の前に飲み物をお持ちいたしましょうか?)という文章は、客に飲み物をいつ持ってくるかを尋ねる場合、丁寧でプロフェッショナルな表現方法です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to order your drinks before or after your food?

  • Shall I serve you your drinks while you wait for your food?

  • Shall I bring you some beverages before you have your meal?

"Would you like to order your drinks before or after your food?" This is a good way to ask customers whether they prefer to have their drinks before or after they eat. You may then give them a menu depending on what their preferences are. "Shall I serve you your drinks while you wait for your food?" This is an appropriate question to ask your customers as some people prefer to have a drink first in order to distract them from having to wait for their food. "Shall I bring you some beverages before you have your meal?" This is a subtle suggestion for your customers to order their drinks first. A "beverage" is any liquid that people can drink including water, soda, tea, and coffee.
"Would you like to order your drinks before or after your food?" 飲み物を食事前か後に欲しいか伺うことがきます。 伺った後にドリンクのメニューを渡す事ができます。 "Shall I serve you your drinks while you wait for your food?" 食べ物に待っている間に気を紛らわせるために飲み物を先に欲しいとリクエストする人々のための質問です。 "Shall I bring you some beverages before you have your meal?" これを聞く事によって先にドリンクを注文するか伺う事ができます。 A "beverage" は水、ソーダ、お茶、コーヒーなどの飲み物です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Should I serve you drinks first before serving you food?

  • What should I serve you first, food or drinks?

Some customers would like to sip their drinks first before eating their food. The other motivation for this is that food takes a bit long to be prepared. So, while waiting for food to be ready, they would rather be drinking than just sit around waiting for the food to arrive. The mos t ideal thing that the customer will want done will be to have the drinks served first. However, you may still ask: Should I serve you drinks first before serving you food? or What should I serve you first, food or drinks?
例:Should I serve you drinks first before serving you food? 「お食事の前にお飲み物をお持ちしますか?」 例:What should I serve you first, food or drinks? 「何を最初にお持ちしますか?お食事ですか?お飲み物ですか?」 ご飯の前に飲み物を飲むのが好きな人は多いです。 もう一つは、通常、料理の方が飲み物より遅く出来上がるからです。 食事が出来上がるまで、飲み物を楽しむのが好きな人もいますよね。 大抵のお客様はドリンクを先に出すと喜んでくれます。 それでも尋ねなくてはならない場合、例文の様に聞いてみるといいでしょう。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Do you want your drinks first?

  • Do you want your drinks with your meal or before?

We can ask if they want their drinks, "first," in context of coming before you bring them their food. We can also ask if they want it, "with their meal," or if they want it, "before."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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