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2016/09/26 18:45
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  • Ahh! I wanna go back to yesterday! It was so much fun!

★ 昨日に戻りたい! 最初の Ahh! は正しくは Ah! ですが、強調のために h を多くしてあります。 「昨日に戻りたい」は比較的簡単な文で、I want to go back to yesterday. ですが、want to はかなり頻繁に省略されて wanna になりますので、このように表記しました。  映画に Back to the future. とありましたが、つまり「未来に戻る」ということで、考え方は同じです。 ★ 楽しかった! It was so much fun! 「それはたくさんの楽しさだった」が直訳ですが、このように言います。 ★ その他  同じ表現を使って「仕事に戻りたくないよ〜〜〜」も言えます。  I don't wanna go back to work!  よく言っています(笑)
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • I wish I could go back to yesterday.

I wish I could go back to yesterday. 昨日に戻れたらいいのに。 実現不可能なことを望むのに、 I wish I could~  ~できたらいいのに と、仮定法過去で表現することもできます。
Reina Ueda さくらランゲージインスティテュート/代表 企業研修講師
  • Can we do a Groundhog Day with yesterday?

  • Yesterday was just a perfect day! We'll have to do it again!

Groundhog Day is a classic cult film where the hero (Bill Murray) finds himself in a time loop where one day keeps repeating itself. 'Just A Perfect Day' is a 1972 song by Lou Reed, and covered by many other artists - so this phrase is a very familiar one. "It was heaven yesterday. I don't think we'll ever have such an incredible time again!" "Yes, it was just a perfect day! We'll have to do it again!
Groundhog Dayは、主人公(Bill Murray)が1日が繰り返される時間のループの中で自分自身を見つけ出すカルト映画です。 「Just A Perfect Day」は1972年のルー・リードの曲で、他の多くのアーティストもカバーしています。ですので、このフレーズはとても馴染みのあるものです。 【例文】 "It was heaven yesterday. I don't think we'll ever have such an incredible time again!"(昨日は天国だった。こんなに素晴らしい時間はもうあるとは思えない!) "Yes, it was just a perfect day! We'll have to do it again!(うん、完璧な一日だった!もう一度やろう!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I could go back to yesterday.

  • Yesterday was so much fun, I wish I could go back.

You may use any of these sentences :- 1. I wish I could go back to yesterday. 私は昨日に戻ることができればいいと思う。 2. Yesterday was so much fun, I wish I could go back. 昨日はとても楽しいものでした。私は帰りたいと思っています。
下記の例文のどれでも使えます。:- 1. I wish I could go back to yesterday. (昨日に戻れたらいいのに) 2. Yesterday was so much fun, I wish I could go back. (昨日はとても楽しかったから、戻れたらいいのに)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Yesterday was great! I wish I could do it all over again.

  • Yesterday was a blast! We should do it again sometime!

Some days can seem so fun that you wish they would never end. If you had a fun eventful day with a friend or relative, express how much you enjoyed spending the day with them by using these phrases: Yesterday was great! I wish I could do it all over again. To it all over again. This means 'to redo' or, 'to do again everything that was done'. or Yesterday was a blast! We should do it again sometime! a blast= this means great, wonderful, or awesome.
例:Yesterday was great! I wish I could do it all over again. 「昨日は素晴らしかった!もう一度昨日に戻ってやり直したい。」 例:Yesterday was a blast! We should do it again sometime! 「昨日は最高だった!また一緒にやろうよ!」 一日が終わって欲しくないほどとても楽しい日はありますね。 そんな日があったときは例文を使ってその気持を表現してみましょう。 "do it over again"は"to redo"か"to do again everything that was done"と言い換えることができます。
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • I already miss yesterday.

  • I wish every day was like yesterday.

  • I wish I could live yesterday over and over.

The idea of "going back to yesterday" sounds a little unusual to me. I imagine it would be said after something very special, like a vacation or a trip to an amusement park. But in these cases, it would be more natural to say something like "I want to go there again!" or "I want to do it again!", since you would want to have another day like yesterday in the future.
“going back to yesterday”(昨日に戻る)という考えは、 私にとって少し、普通ではない気がします。 休暇や遊園地への旅行などのような なにか特別なもののあとに言われると想像します。 しかしこの場合、 “I want to go there again!” (もう一度行きたい!) や “I want to do it again!” (もう一度したい!) と言った方がより自然的です。 なぜなら、将来、その昨日のような日を過ごしたいと考えているからです。
Christian D DMM英会話講師
  • There has never been such an enjoyable day like yesterday. I wish it had lasted forever.

  • What a great day yesterday was. How I long to return to yesterday.

When you say that 'there has never been such an enjoyable day like yesterday', you actually mean to say that you have never before enjoyed yourself as much as you did yesterday. When you say that 'you wish it had lasted forever', you mean to say that you wish today was the same as yesterday, and tomorrow will be the same as yesterday, and every other day thereafter should be the same as yesterday. 'How I long to return to yesterday' is just the same as saying 'I want to get back to yesterday'. So, you may say: There has never been such an enjoyable day like yesterday. I wish it had lasted forever. or What a great day yesterday was. How I long to return to yesterday.
次のように表現すると、 'there has never been such an enjoyable day like yesterday' (昨日みたいな楽しい日は今までになかった) これは、昨日ほど楽しめた一日を今まで経験したことがなかったという意味になります。 'you wish it had lasted forever'(ずっと続くといいのに) と言うと、今日も昨日と同じ様な日で、明日も、明後日も,昨日のようにな楽しい日がずっと続くことを願う、という様な意味になります。 'How I long to return to yesterday' (私がどんなに明日に戻ることを願っているか) これは 'I want to get back to yesterday' (明日に戻りたい)と同じ意味になります。 ですので、次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 There has never been such an enjoyable day like yesterday. I wish it had lasted forever. (昨日のような楽しい日は今までになかったです。永遠に続くといいのに) 又は What a great day yesterday was. How I long to return to yesterday. (昨日はなんてすばらしい一日だったんでしょう。昨日に戻れたらいいのに)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can we please go back to yesterday? It was such a blast!

We all have enjoyable experiences that we want to last forever. Unfortunately, they must end, but at least we have the memories afterwards. We can take pictures too to capture these memories. "Can we please go back to yesterday? It was such a blast!": is an easy way of describing that we would love to return to the previous day and relive the fun we had! Asking the questions makes the sentence sound like we may have permission to do so, even though we know it's not possible. A "blast" is something really enjoyable that you experienced. We can use this word to describe a party also
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
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