It's a miracle that we were able to meet by chance when the world is so big!
- It's a miracle that we were able to meet by chance when the world is so big!
- The world is so vast, yet it's a miracle to have a chance encounter like this!
- I went on a trip to America and I met a friend there by chance!
It's a miracle to cross paths with you again just by chance in a world as big as ours.
Our world is such a huge place, I can't believe I ran into you again.
ーIt's a miracle to cross paths with you again just by chance in a world as big as ours.
to cross paths「人に出会う」
by chance「偶然に」
ーOur world is such a huge place, I can't believe I ran into you again.
to run into「人に偶然会う」
It's (truly) a miracle that we were able to meet again by chance even though this world is so big!
It's (truly) a miracle to meet you again. What a small world!
「世界はこんなに広いのに」=「even though the world is so big」
「偶然」=「by chance」
「再会するなんて」=「meet again」
「奇跡」=「a miracle」
この表現をそのままで訳したら、大体「It's a miracle that we were able to meet again by chance even though this world is so big!」になります。この言い方を使うのは全然良いですが、ちょっと長いです。
もっと短い表現なら、「It's a miracle to meet you again. What a small world!」になります。
「What a small world!」は英語の決まり文句で、「世間は狭いね!」と言う意味があります。