They might charge you a tariff and I don't know how much it would be.
You could get charged a duty tax and I have no idea how much it would be.
ーThey might charge you a tariff and I don't know how much it would be.
to charge someone a tariff「人に関税を請求する」
ーYou could get charged a duty tax and I have no idea how much it would be.
to get charged a duty tax 「関税を取られる」
「[関税](取られるかも」は英語で「might be charged import tax」と言います。
また、「関税が取られるようなので、関税取られるかもしれない、いくらになるかわからない」と言いたいなら、そうすると「It seems that you might be charged import tax, but I'm not sure of how much it'll be.」になります。