If you bully people they will hate you and might even try to get back at you.
If you bully people they will hate you and might even try to seek revenge on you.
❶If you bully people they will hate you and might even try to get back at you.
*might は「かも」を表します。
❷ If you bully people they will hate you and try to get back at you.
❸If you bully people they will hate you and might even try to seek revenge on you.
*revenge は「 復讐」、
*To bully は「いじめをする」こと、
*They will hate you は「彼らはあなたを嫌う」、
*To get back at は「復習をする」「仕返しをする」という意味です。
You don’t get it, do you? (君わかってないね)
If you bully people they will hate you and try to get back at you.
Don’t you understand that?
If you are mean to someone, they might hold a grudge against you and pay you back eventually.
ーIf you are mean to someone, they might hold a grudge against you and pay you back eventually.
to be mean to someone「人に意地悪くする・つらく当たる」
to hold a grudge「恨む」
to pay back「仕返しする」
If you bully people, they might resent you and even retaliate.
文脈として、 You don't seem to understand that if you bully people, they might resent you and even retaliate. 「君はわかってないね。人をいじめたら、恨まれるかもしれないし、酷い仕返しをされるかもしれない。」
他の表現としては次のようなものがあります。 If you mistreat others, they could hold a grudge and seek revenge. 「人を酷く扱うと、恨まれて復讐されるかもしれない。」