世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




英語レベルを聞かれたときに、日常会話レベルです。と言いたいです。 よろしくお願い致します。
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2016/09/28 16:34
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  • My English is at an everyday-speaking level.

  • My English is at a conversational level

Hey Hook! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです。 「〜です」が付いているので、主語が必要です。 「My English」 レベル=level [日常](英語はそのまま「everyday-speaking」と言えますが、「conversational」の方がわかりやすいと思います。 なので My English is at an everyday-speaking level. My English is at a conversational level よろしくお願いします! アーサーより
  • Conversational level.

[日常会話](程度です、という意味です。 [ビジネス](レベルにできる場合には、 Business levelということができますね。 例: My English is conversational level. 私の英語力は日常英語レベルです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • I can get by.

  • I manage to get my message across in most situations.

  • My English is good enough to cope with most scenarios.

These expressions indicate a degree of confidence and ability in English for most normal circumstances.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can get around with english at the casual conversational level.

  • My english level is enough to get by in everyday life.

「I speak conversational english」とか「I can get around with small talk in english」も使えます。 Saying something like "I can get around" means that you are able to survive and get what you need and "small talk" is everyday short conversation without much purpose. Conversations like: Adam: Hey Joe, how's it going? Joe: Pretty good buddy, just hanging out here waiting for my mom to pick me up. Adam: Oh cool. Where are you going with your mom? Joe: We're just going to the mall. She's going to buy me pants. Adam:.......... Also, "to get by" has a similar meaning as "get around". Like the Beatles song " I get by with a little help from my friends" In your case, you can say "I get by with a little casual conversational english(in everyday life) "
「I speak conversational english」とか「I can get around with small talk in english」とも使えます。 "I can get around"は、生活するのに必要最小限の会話ができるという意味です。 "small talk"は、重要でない内容の雑談やお喋りを意味します。 会話例: Adam: Hey Joe, how's it going? (やぁJoe、何してるの?) Joe: Pretty good buddy, just hanging out here waiting for my mom to pick me up. (ヤァ、母親が迎えに来てくれるの待ってるんだ) Adam: Oh cool. Where are you going with your mom? (そうなんだ、どこ行くの?) Joe: We're just going to the mall. She's going to buy me pants. (ズボン買ってくれるから、ショッピングモール行くんだ) Adam:.......... "to get by" は "get around"と同じ様な意味です。 Beatles の歌にもありますね。 " I get by with a little help from my friends" "I get by with a little casual conversational english(in everyday life) " (私の英語力は日常会話ができるくらいです。)と言えるでしょう。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • I know enough to go through a daily conversation.

  • I am still at a conversation level.

"I know enough to go through a daily conversation." means that you are able to do a daily conversation with no problems. "I am still at a conversation level." means that you are still at the conversation level.
"I know enough to go through a daily conversation." means that you are able to do a daily conversation with no problems. 「日常会話が出来る程度です。」 日常会話なら問題なくできることを意味します。 "I am still at a conversation level." means that you are still at the conversation level. 「まだ会話レベルです。」 まだ日常会話レベルの英語力だという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I can have a normal, everyday conversation.

  • I can hold an everyday conversation in English.

  • I can hold my own.

These two sentences will help you express that you converse normally in an everyday normal conversation. If we can hold a conversation that means we can continue to converse with someone easily. In the last sentence you will see the phrase 'hold my own' which means to cope or manage. This is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation and would be great to add to your vocabulary.
上記の2つの例文は、あなたが日常会話なら普通にしゃべれることを意味しています。 "you can hold a conversation"とは会話を問題なく行うことが出来る、 と言う意味になります。 最後の例文は 'hold my own'と言うフレーズを含んでいます。 これは行うことが出来るという様な意味になり、 日常会話の中でよく使われる表現になります。 あなたのボキャブラリーに加えると素晴らしいですよね。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I am conversational in English.

  • I know enough to get by

The word 'conversational' is used when we describe someone who can have a basic, everyday conversation in a language. 'I am conversational in English' would be a good way to describe this. 'Get by' is a phrasal verb. It's meaning is that you have just enough of something to continue. In this example, you can speak enough English to have a conversation but maybe not enough for advanced discussion. Another example of 'get by' is "I have enough money to get by this month"
I am conversational in English'(英語は日常会話レベルです) 「conversational」は、ある言語で基本的な日常会話ができることを表します。 「get by(句動詞)」は「続けられる程度」を表します。 ここでは、(上級レベルではないが)会話が成り立つ程度の英語力はある、という意味になります。 「get by」の例: "I have enough money to get by this month" (今月やっていくだけのお金はある)
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • Adequate conversation skills...

  • I am not yet "fluent" in English, but you could say, I have adequate conversation skills...

Being "Fluent" in a language is a big achievement ! It means really "speaking like a native", with no delay stops or pauses...Thinking in that language! Most fairly good speakers could use the expression: "Adequate conversation skills..." to put things into perspective;-D "I am not yet "fluent" in English, but you could say, I have adequate conversation skills..."
 "Fluent"とは、流暢なという意味です。止まったり、考えて遅れたりぜずにネイティブのようにすらすら話すことができることを意味します。  "Adequate conversation skills..." (十分な会話力) "I am not yet "fluent" in English, but I have adequate conversation skills..." 英語はまだ流暢ではないが、十分な会話力はあります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I can speak enough English in order to have a casual conversation.

  • I speak enough to have a conversation about everyday things.

Saying this explains that you can speak a basic level of English and are able to have a regular conversation about everyday things. Everyday things include more general vocabulary words and not really specific words that may be more challenging. Ex: A: “Can you speak English?” B: “yes, I can speak English in order to have a casual conversation.”
これで、基礎レベルの英語力があり、日常会話ならできることが伝わります。 'Everyday things' は専門的でない一般的な事柄を指します。 例: A: “Can you speak English?”(英語を話せますか) B: “yes, I can speak English in order to have a casual conversation.”(はい、日常会話程度ならできます)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
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