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2016/09/28 17:53
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  • I want the back seat!

車の座席を早いもの勝ちで決めているんですね(*^▽^*) 後部座席はback seat、 真ん中の列の席はmiddle seat 助手席はpassenger seat(front seat)と言います。 英語で早いもの勝ちに近い言い方は The early bird catches the worm. First come, first served. 使ってみてください!
  • I want to sit in the back.

  • I'll take the back seat.

  • I call dibs on the back seat.

Dibs is another way of saying, "I've called it." Meaning that you have first preference of sitting there. (Informal) I would like to sit in the back. I want to sit in the back. Can I sit in the back?
Dibs' は "I've called it"(~は私がもらう)の別の言い方です。「そこに座る優先権は自分にある」という意味です。(インフォーマル) I would like to sit in the back.(私は後ろに座りたいです) I want to sit in the back.(私は後ろに座りたいです) Can I sit in the back?(後ろに座ってもいいですか)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I call the back seat!

  • I want to sit in the back.

  • I don't want shotgun, I will take the back.

I call the back seat! I want to sit in the back. I'll take the backseat. I don't want shotgun, I will take the back. The "shotgun" seat is the one up front near the driver. You will hear most people say, "I got shotgun!" or "I want shotgun" meaning they want that front seat. So if you said you did not want shotgun it is understood you want in the backseat instead of the front.
I call the back seat!(私は後部座席に座る) I want to sit in the back.(私は後ろに座りたい) I'll take the backseat.(私は後部座席に座る) I don't want shotgun, I will take the back.(助手席は嫌だ、後ろに座る) "shotgun" は助手席のことです。助手席に座りたいときには 'I got shotgun!' や 'I want shotgun!' と言うことが多いです。 ですから、'I don't want shotgun' と言えば、助手席ではなく後部座席に座りたいのだと伝わります。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I want to sit in the back.

  • Dibs on sitting in the back!

"I want to sit in the back." Typically when you are wanting to sit in the back of a car, you just say you want to sit in the back. There is no need to say you want to sit in the back seat, although you can say that. "Dibs on sitting in the back!" Dibs is another way of saying, "I've called it." It means that you've claimed the right to sit in the back before everyone else has.
"I want to sit in the back."(後部座席に座りたい) - 普通、車の後部座席に座りたいときは、単に "I want to sit in the back." と言います。"... in the back seat" と言う必要はありません(言うことはできますが)。 "Dibs on sitting in the back!"(私後部座席に座る!) - "Dibs" は「~は私がもらう」という意味です。他の人に取られる前に「後部座席に座る」と宣言しています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Could I sit at the back?

  • I would like the back seat

  • I want the back seat

When you want to sit at the back seat of a car; you can say it this way: -Could I sit at the back? -I would like the back seat -I want the back seat
車の後部座席に座りたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Could I sit at the back?(後ろに座ってもいいですか) -I would like the back seat(後ろの席に座りたいです) -I want the back seat(後ろの席がいいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Shotgun' the back seat

  • I Want the back seat!

"'Shotgun' the back seat" 'Shotgun' is a term used when you want something, by shouting 'shotgun' before anyone else you are next in line for what you want, this is almost a game, it is very similar to the word 'bagsy'. "I Want the back seat!" Is a direct and formal phrase expressing that you want the back seat.
"'Shotgun' the back seat"(うち後部座席〜〜) 'Shotgun' は何かが欲しいときに使われる言葉です。誰よりも早く 'Shotgun' と叫ぶことで、それをその次に使うことができます。これはゲームみたいなものです。'Bagsy' という言葉にもよく似ています。 "I Want the back seat!"(うち後部座席〜〜) は、直接的でフォーマルな言い方です。「私は後部座席に座りたい」と伝えています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I want to sit in the back

  • Can I sit in the back?

When talking about sitting in the back seat of a car then you can simply say to 'sit in the back' if you want to ask if you can sit in the back then you can say 'can I sit in the back?'
車の後部座席に座ることはシンプルに、'sit in the back' と言えます。 後部座席に座ってもいいかどうか尋ねたいなら、'can I sit in the back?'(後ろに座ってもいいですか)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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