After starting my part-time job, I got better at dealing with people older than me.
- After starting my part-time job, I got better at dealing with people older than me.
- Starting a part-time job has helped me overcome my discomfort with older people.
- My discomfort around older individuals has improved since I started working part-time.
Since starting my new part-time job, I've gotten better at dealing with people older than me.
I've gotten better at dealing with people older than me since starting my new side job.
「私はバイトを始めたことで、」=「Since starting my new part-time job,」
「年上の人が苦手なのが治りました」=「I've gotten better at dealing with people older than me.」
「年上の人」は「people older than me」に訳します。一般的に「older people」がいいですが、「老人」と言うニュアンスがするので、「people older than me」の方が的確だと思います。
あとは「part-time job」の代わりに「side job」を言うことが出来ます。