「外が暗いのでわからないですが、この電車はそろそろ次の横浜駅に停車するようです(停車するみたいです)」という風に主観的な推測と伝聞が入り混じった表現をする時は、It’s supposed that this train will (is going to?) stop at Yokohama Station next.でしょうか?It seems thatですか?ニュアンスの違いは?
"It seems like ~" 「〜するようです」
"It's hard to tell since it's dark outside, but it seems like this train will be stopping at the next station, Yokohama.
"it looks like ~" 「〜するみたいです」
It's hard to tell since it's dark outside, but it looks like this train will be stopping at the next station, Yokohama.
または "it looks like ~" の代わりに "I think that ~" 「〜すると思う」も使えます。