I live with a chronic illness which comes in waves, so there have been times when I've had to cancel outings with my friends at the last minute.
ーI live with a chronic illness which comes in waves, so there have been many times when I've had to cancel outings with my friends at the last minute over the last year.
a chronic illness「持病」
to come in waves「波がある」
to cancel ... at the last minute「…をドタキャンする」
"My chronic illness comes in waves, so I sometimes have to cancel plans with friends last minute."
"My chronic illness comes in waves, so I sometimes have to cancel plans with friends last minute."
"my chronic illness" 「私の持病」
"comes in waves”「波があり」
"sometimes ”「時々」"from time to time" も言えます。
"I have to ~”「〜しないといけない」
"cancel last minute”「ドタキャンする」
"plans with friends”「友達との予定」