世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/29 15:51
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  • Could you come pick me up at the parking of LAWSON store?

  • Because it's raining so hard.

Could you come pick me up at the parking of LAWSON store? ローソンまで迎えに来てくれる? Because it's raining so hard. 雨がひどいから Could you-?:〜してくれる? 依頼の表現の決まり文句なのでとっさに出てくるようにしておきましょう! come pick ー up:ーを迎えにくる 同じように迎えにいく、であれば”go pick you up”と言えますね!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • It's pouring!Please pick me up at Lawson's parking lot ?

  • Please come and get me at the parking lot at Lawson's ?Its raining cats and dogs here!

"It's pouring!Please pick me up at Lawson's parking lot ?" "Pouring" means it is raining heavily. "Please come and get me at the parking lot at Lawson's ?Its raining cats and dogs here!" raining cats and dogs = This means that the rain is coming down hard.
"It's pouring!Please pick me up at Lawson's parking lot ?" ①土砂降りの雨なの!ローソンの駐車場まで迎えに来てくれる? Pouringは、大雨が降っている、という意味です。 "Please come and get me at the parking lot at Lawson's ?Its raining cats and dogs here!" ②ローソンの駐車所まで迎えに来て下さい!ものすごい大雨が降っているの! Raining cats and dogsは、地面に叩きつけるような大雨が降っているという意味です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • It's pouring down please save me! I'm in the Lawson car park!

Car park (UK) = car lot (US) To pour down = water, as with rain to shower down on someone. "The rain poured down on us, soaking us to the bone." If the rain is 'pouring down' or 'raining cats and dogs' it means that you are experiencing very heavy rainfall at that moment. To pour is a verb used to explain the process of a volume of water coming out of a receptacle. For example: "John poured himself a cup of tea."
Car park (UK) = car lot (US) To pour down = 水や雪、雨が誰かに降りかかること "The rain poured down on us, soaking us to the bone." 雨が降ってびしょ濡れになった。 飴に'pouring down' や'raining cats and dogs'となる場合、大雨が降っていることを表します。 突然の大雨を使うときに、つまりどしゃぶりに、pourがよく使われます。 例 "John poured himself a cup of tea." ジョンはお茶を自分にこぼした。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you pick me up from the Lawson's parking lot by the station? It's raining really heavily and I don't want to get soaked.

  • It's raining really hard. Can you come pick me up from Lawson's by the station?

  • Would you mind picking me up from the Lawsons by the station, please? It's raining really hard and I don't want to walk in this bad weather.

All of these statements are fine to ask a friend but if you are asking someone in a position above you, the last statement, "Would you mind picking me up from the Lawsons by the station, please? It's raining really hard and I don't want to walk in this bad weather" is most polite.
これらの表現は友達に尋ねるときの表現ですが、自分より上の立場の人にお願いするならば、最後の表現がいいでしょう。"Would you mind picking me up from the Lawsons by the station, please? 駅の近くのローソンまで迎えにきていただけないでしょうか? It's raining really hard and I don't want to walk in this bad weather"雨がすごくてこの悪天候では歩いていきたくないのです。 が一番礼儀正しいです。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • its "raining cats & dogs" (idiom) can you come and pick me up from The Lawson carpark?

  • It is" pouring with rain, "I will get drenched! Can you come by Lawson's and pick me up from the carpark

There are SO MANY expressions for heavy rain...since it often rains in Britain! So the English language is filled with a rich variety of colloquial expressions. From heavy downpours to falling in floods etc etc.. So enjoy the use of colorful idioms when you get the opportunity;-)
どしゃぶりの表現はとてもたくさんあります。なぜなら、イギリスではしばしば雨が降るからです。 そのため、英語には口語表現がたくさんあります。 例えば、heavy downpoursやfalling in floodsなどなど。 なので、機会があれば彩り豊かなイディオムを使って楽しんでくださいね。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • A) Please pick me up at Lawson's it's pouring outside!

  • B) Pick me up at Lawson's it's storming .

A) Please pick me up at Lawson's it's pouring outside! *Pick me up - Fetch me *Pouring - raining a lot / the rain is pouring down B) Pick me up at Lawson's it's storming . *Storming - a large amount of rain I hope this helps :-)
A) Please pick me up at Lawson's it's pouring outside!ローソンまで迎えに来てもらえませんか?外は土砂降りなの! *Pick me up - Fetch me迎えにきてもらう *Pouring - raining a lot / the rain is pouring down バケツをひっくり返したような土砂降り B) Pick me up at Lawson's it's storming . ローソンまで迎えにきて。大雨なの。 *Storming - a large amount of rain 大量の雨、嵐のような雨。 参考になると幸いです
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please come pick me up at Lawson instead since it is raining heavily.

The word instead means you planned to meet somewhere but due to the weather you want to be picked up at Lawson. Instead of saying "raining hard" you should say "raining heavily"
"ここでのinsteadは、どこかほかの場所で待ち合わせをしていたけど雨がひどく降ってきたので代わりにローソンまで迎えに来てほしいという意味です。 ""raining hard""という代わりに""raining heavily""と言った方がいいでしょう。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can you pick me up at the parking lot of Lawson? it's raining heavily

  • Please come get me at the parking lot of Lawson, the rain is pouring.

1. Can you pick me up at the parking lot of Lawson? it's raining heavily. If it's raining a lot you can also say 'it's raining heavily'. 2. Please come get me at the parking lot of Lawson, the rain is pouring We can also say the rain is pouring to describe heavy rainfall.
"1.Can you pick me up at the parking lot of Lawson? It's raining heavily. もし雨がひどく降っていたら'it's raining heavily'という言い方ができます。 2.Please come get me at the parking lot of Lawson, the rain is pouring. また次のように言う事もできます。rain is pouringとは雨が土砂降りという意味になります。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "It is raining really hard, would you be able to pick me up at the Lawson's parking lot please?"

  • "It is pouring down with raining, is it possible that you could come pick me up?"

If you wanted to ask someone to come pick you up at a Lawson parking lot because it is raining very hard, you could say either of the following: "It is raining really hard, would you be able to pick me up at the Lawson's parking lot please?" or "It is pouring down with raining, is it possible that you could come pick me up?".
雨がひどいのでローソンの駐車場まで迎えに来てもらいたいわけですね。これは次のように言えます。 "It is raining really hard, would you be able to pick me up at the Lawson's parking lot please?" (雨がひどいのでローソンの駐車場まで迎えに来てくれませんか) "It is pouring down with raining, is it possible that you could come pick me up?"(雨がひどいので迎えに来てくれませんか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Can you pick me up in Lawsons?

  • Can you come for me? It's raining so hard.

  • It's pouring rain.Would you mind picking me up at ****.

Pick me up/ collect me/ come for me/ come get me. These all mean that you need a ride/lift. Can you pick me up at Lawson's? Can you come for me at 5 pm? Pouring rain- Raining very hard.
"pick me up/ collect me/ come for me/ come get me" これらは全て「車で迎えに来てほしい」という意味を表します。 Can you pick me up at Lawson's?(ローソンに迎えに来てくれる?) Can you come for me at 5 pm?(午後5時に迎えに来てくれる?) Pouring rain- 大雨
Niabh DMM英語講師
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