世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/04 22:12
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  • Are you doing anything for Christmas? I need to do some shopping. Do you want to come along?

  • Can you help me buy a Christmas present for my friend? I'm not a good shopper.

  • If you don't have any plans, why don't we hang out?

英訳1(意味):クリスマスは予定あるの?買い物に行きたいんだけど。一緒に来ない? 英訳2(意味):友だちにあげるクリスマスプレゼントを選ぶの手伝ってくれない?買い物はあまり得意じゃなくて。 英訳3(意味):もし何も予定がないなら、一緒に遊ばない? *hang out「一緒に時間を過ごす」 他には、 Would you like to go shopping or something? (買い物か何かに行かない?) のように、Would you like to ... or something?を使った表現も定番の1つです。or something「~か何か」で、「買い物以外の他の何かでもいいよ」とほのめかしています。 少し注意したいのは、相手の女性が日本人でない場合は「クリスマスにデートする」という行為が日本人が思うほど「特別なデート」と受け取られない可能性があることですね。 Are you busy on Christmas? I was wondering if we could spend it together. (クリスマスは忙しい? 一緒に過ごせないかなと思って) などと言えば、ちょっと真剣なお誘いのニュアンスに。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I was wondering if you had any plans for Christmas? I'd love to take you out.

  • Any plans for Christmas? How about dinner?

  • I'd love to spend Christmas together, if you don't already have plans.

全てはクリスマスの予定はありますか、一緒に是非、 と意味します ①はちょっとかしこまった言い方です I'd love to take you out一緒にデートできたら幸いです   ②Any plans for Christmas? クリスマスの予定ある? How about dinner? 夕飯どう? とてもカジュアルな感じです。 もしきちんと誘うのが恥ずかしいなら、明るく友達っぽくでも。。。 最後は明らかに好き、というニュアンスが伝わります。女性は喜ぶと思います。 I'd love to spend Christmas together 一緒にクリスマス過ごせたらとても嬉しいです。。。 予定がすでになければね。。。
  • Do you have any plans for Christmas? I was wondering if you...

  • Do you want to go out with me this Christmas eve?

  • I've got an awesome idea for Christmas eve. Do you want to join me?

Do you have any plans for Christmas? I was wondering if you... 「クリスマスなんか予定ある?もしよかったら...」 Do you want to go out with me this Christmas eve? 「クリスマスイヴ一緒にどこか行く?」 I've got an awesome idea for Christmas eve. Do you want to join me? 「クリスマスイヴにいいアイディアがあるんだけど、一緒にどう?」
  • ① I want to spend my Xmas with you. Where do you want to spend it?

ダイレクトに: 「① I want to spend my Xmas with you. Where do you want to spend it?」 (君とクリスマスを過ごしたい。どこで過ごす?) を勧めます。 こういった質問は回答者によって答え方は異なりますが、私でしたらこういう風に言います。アタックですね。 しかも、「Where do you want to spend it?」は彼女が乗り気であることが前提の一種の「Loaded question」です。 通用するかどうかは分かりませんが、少なくとも私でしたらこうアプローチします。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Would you like to go out with me for a Christmas date?

  • May you be my date for a Christmas lunch?

"May you be my date for a Christmas lunch?" is a polite way to ask someone to go on a date with you instead of saying "Can you be my date for a Christmas lunch?" which is not very polite.
"May you be my date for a Christmas lunch?" これはデートに誘う丁寧な方法です。 代わりに、"Can you be my date for a Christmas lunch?"ということもできますが、これはそこまで丁寧ではありません。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Would you like to share a festive evening with me?

  • 2. Would you like an early Christmas present?..... It's me!

  • 3. The best thing that could happen to me this Christmas would be if you would say yes to coming out on a date with me.

1. This approach is a simple question requiring a yes or no answer. 2. This is a question and the key point is that your friend says, 'Yes.' Having agreed to an early Christmas present, she may not be expecting you to say, 'It's me!' But you could then explain that you would like to take her ..somewhere on a date. It's a funny way to make this proposal. 3. This approach is simply a statement that does not require an answer. This is the least stressful way of asking for both of you. It gives your friend all the information and she may then, hopefully, give her own, positive response.
1. これは、yes/noで答えるシンプルな聞き方です 2. この質問は、友達が、Yesと答えるのが鍵になります。きっと相手はIt's meと来るとは予想だにしてないでしょうけどね。けどそのあとでどこかにデートに連れてってあげる、となれば面白い誘い方の一つですよね。 3. これは質問でなくてちょっと暗喩的な表現ですね。これは実際のところ両者にとってストレスの少ない尋ね方の一つです。相手に自分のやりたい、したいことを全部伝えます。彼女から良い返事がくると良いですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Shall we celebrate Christmas together?

  • If you don't have any plans for Christmas, I would like to spend it with you

To be with each other on Christmas day and do something nice or fun, is to celebrate Christmas together. How do you usually celebrate Christmas? Are you Celebrating Christmas this year? Time is spent, like money. Christmas is a period of time so what you do during this time is described as spending. eg. How did you spend Christmas? Would you like to spend Christmas with me? How do you plan to spend Christmas this year?
今年のクリスマスは祝う予定はありますか? 時間はお金と同様Spendが動詞として使われます。クリスマスという時期を過ごすという際にもSpendが使われます。 例:How did you spend Christmas? Would you like to spend Christmas with me? How do you plan to spend Christmas this year? クリスマスはどう過ごしたの?クリスマス一緒に過ごしてくれるかい?今年のクリスマスはどう過ごす予定なの?
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • A)Would you like to spend Christmas with me?

  • B) Do you have any plans for Christmas ? If not i would really like to spend it with you.

Hello Shin :-) I hope this helps! A)Would you like to spend Christmas with me? B) Do you have any plans for Christmas ? If not i would really like to spend it with you. Both of these sentences are ways to ask someone on a Christmas date , however sentence A is a bit more direct and straight to the point whereas sentence B is giving the person the option .
こんにちは、Shinさん、参考になるといいです! A)Would you like to spend Christmas with me? (一緒にクリスマス過ごしませんか) B) Do you have any plans for Christmas? If not I would really like to spend it with you. (クリスマスの予定何かありますか?もしないなら、ぜひ一緒に過ごしたいです) どちらもクリスマスデートに誘う時の表現です。 Aの文の方が少し直接的でストレートな言い方です、Bの文は相手に選択肢を与えています。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Are you doing anything on Christmas? I'd like to go on a date with you.

  • Do you want to do anything on Christmas day? I'd like to take you out.

If you want to ask a girl out for a Christmas date, you can say: "Are you doing anything on Christmas? I'd like to go on a date with you." "Do you want to do anything on Christmas day? I'd like to take you out."
女の子をクリスマスデートに誘うときのフレーズです。 "Are you doing anything on Christmas? I'd like to go on a date with you." (クリスマスは何かするの?あなたとデートしたいんだけど。) "Do you want to do anything on Christmas day? I'd like to take you out." (クリスマスの日何かしたい?一緒に出かけたいんだけど。)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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