I wish people all around the world could sleep peacefully at night.
I long for the day when people all around the world will be able to go to bed at night without fear or worry.
ーI wish people all around the world could sleep peacefully at night.
to sleep peacefully で「安心して眠る・穏やかに眠る」
ーI long for the day when people all around the world will be able to go to bed at night without fear or worry.
to long for「心から望む」
to go to bed at night without fear or worry「夜、恐れや心配なく眠る」
I hope for days when everyone in this world can sleep in peace.
I wish for days when everyone around the world can enjoy peaceful sleep.
・「I hope for days when everyone in this world can sleep in peace.」
「I wish for days when everyone around the world can enjoy peaceful sleep.」
<例文>What is your wish?// I wish for days when everyone around the world can enjoy peaceful sleep.
<訳> あなたの願い事はなんですか。//世界中の人々が安心して眠れる日々を送れることを願います。