What's the most amount of chocolates you have received on Valentine's Day up to now?
What's the largest amount of chocolates you have ever gotten on Valentine's Day until this year?
ーWhat's the most amount of chocolates you have received on Valentine's Day up to now?
What's the most amount of XX you have received ...? を使った聞き方。
ーWhat's the largest amount of chocolates you have ever gotten on Valentine's Day until this year?
What's the largest amount of XX you have ever gotten ...? を使った聞き方。
What's the highest number of Valentine's chocolates you've ever received?
・「What's the highest number of Valentine's chocolates you've ever received?」
(意味) 今まで[バレンタイン](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/31160/)チョコを最高何個もらいましたか?
<例文>What's the highest number of Valentine's chocolates you've ever received?// I don't really remember.