世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/10/04 11:45
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2016/10/06 02:18
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  • Is it still Tuesday today!? I thought it was Wednesday...

Today is still Tuesday?、Is today Tuesday still?など色んな言い方ができます。 他にも、I was so sure it was already Wednesday...(もう水曜日だと確信していたのに…)などという表現も可能です。この場合、so sureは「とても確信していた」という意味になります。
  • Is it still Tuesday? I thougth it's (already) Wednesday!

他のアンカーの方とよく似ていますね。 I thought today is Wednesday. I thought it's Wednesday today. こんな表現でもOKです。 お役にたてば幸いです☆
  • For a second I thought it was Wednesday then I realized that it is still Tuesday

>▪For a second I thought it was Wednesday then I realized that it is still Tuesday. .............................................................. This is an indirect way of saying that Tuesday is taking long to end. "for a second..." means that you were under the impression that is Wednesday, but soon you came back to your senses and realized that it is still Tuesday. ..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,..
【例文】 ▪For a second I thought it was Wednesday then I realized that it is still Tuesday. 火曜日がなかなか終わらないということを間接的に表した表現です。"for a second..."(一瞬)とは、水曜日だと思ったけれど、すぐに我に返ってまだ火曜日だったと気付いたことを意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • For a moment I thought it was Wednesday!

  • I just realized, it's Tuesday, not Wednesday!

You are relaxed. You're on holiday and time passes endlessly. The days and weeks merge into each other and you lose all track of time. However, all good things come to an end and it's time to think about catching the plane home. You break into a cold sweat! It's Wednesday! You may have missed your flight already! your friend asks you: "What's wrong?" "I just realized, it's Tuesday, not Wednesday!" "That's right - Tuesday today, fly home tomorrow." "That's a relief!"
【背景】 あなたは休暇中でリラックスしており、時間が延々と過ぎていきます。曜日も週もごっちゃになって、どのくらい時間が経ったのかわかりません。しかし、楽しい休暇も終わりに近づき、帰宅する飛行機について考える時がきました。そこであなたはぞっとします!今日は水曜日!もうフライトを逃してしまったかもしれません!友人があなたに尋ねます: 【例文】 "What's wrong?"(どうしたの?) "I just realized, it's Tuesday, not Wednesday!"(今気づいたよ。今日は火曜日で、水曜日じゃなかった!) "That's right - Tuesday today, fly home tomorrow."(そうだよ。今日は火曜日で、明日飛行機で家に帰るんだ) "That's a relief!"(よかった!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I've had my days mixed up all day!

To get 'mixed up' is to become confused about something and make a mistake.
mixed up' は、混乱して、間違えることを表します。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I've been thinking it's Wednesday all day!

If you say "I've been thinking it's Wednesday all day" it is a way of explaining that you have spent the whole day thinking it is Wednesday.
"I've been thinking it's Wednesday all day"(今日ずっと水曜だと思っていた) 一日中、その日が水曜日だと思っていたと伝える言い方です。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • Oh! I didn't realize its still Tuesday.

  • Wow! Its actually Tuesday not Wednesday.

"Oh! I didn't realize its still Tuesday." shows you're surprised it's actually one day when it is really another.
"Oh! I didn't realize it's still Tuesday."(まだ、火曜日だったんだ) ↑曜日を勘違いしていることに気付いて、驚きを表しています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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