世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/05 17:24
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  • My phone bill was cheap this month!

  • I was surprised at how cheap my phone bill was this month!

In order to say that my phone bill was cheap this month, you can say: My phone bill was cheap this month! Cheap - affordable, not expensive I was surprised at how cheap my phone bill was this month! To express your surprise and shock at the cheapness of the bill, you can say: I was surprised at.. I hope that helps!
携帯電話の料金が今月は安かったということを言うには、こう言うことができます。 My phone bill was cheap this month! cheap - 手頃な、高くない I was surprised at how cheap my phone bill was this month! 安くて驚いたことやショックを受けたことを表すには、I was surprised at ... と言うことができます。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • My cell phone bill this month was cheap!

「今月の携帯料金は安かった!」というのは、 My cell phone bill this month was cheap!といいます。 「料金」は英語でfee, fare, billなどですが、「~料金」の場合は~billのが普通に使われます。 「安い」はcheapとなり、過去形の~was cheapを使います。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • The phone bill for this month was cheaper than usual.

今月分の電話料金は普段より安かった。 cheaper than usual: 通常より安い。(than usual: 普段より...) How much do you pay for your phone bill every month? 毎月いくら電話代払ってるの?
  • My phone bill was low this month

low = not high, cheap "My phone bill was low this month." "My cellphone bill was cheap this month."
「Low」とは高くない安いということです。 My phone bill was low this month. 今月の電話代は安い。 My cellphone bill was cheap this month. 今月の電気代は安いです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • The phone bill this month was inexpensive.

  • The phone bill this month was low.

1. The phone bill this month was inexpensive. 今月の電話料金は安かった。 2. The phone bill this month was low. 今月の電話料金は安かった。 The word "inexpensive" means cheap or affordable.
1. The phone bill this month was inexpensive. 今月の電話料金は安かった。 2. The phone bill this month was low. 今月の電話料金は安かった。 "inexpensive"という言葉は、安いとか手ごろであるという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I wasn't expecting how cheap my phone bill was.

  • You should try (name of provider) it is amazing how much you get!

  • Wow,,,,,that was so cheap!

I wasn't expecting how cheap my phone bill was. - This is just standard conversation and you can use this when you expected to pay more or you want to make small talk with someone. You should try (name of provider) it is amazing how much you get! - This expression is emphasising how impressed you are with the amount that you get for the price. Wow,,,,,that was so cheap! - This expression is the highest, normally when you say this the other person will be intrigued and ask "what,,,,what was so cheap?" (don't look at the person when saying this, look at your phone or a bill at a restaurant etc).
I wasn't expecting how cheap my phone bill was. 携帯料金がこんなに安いと思っていませんでした。 これは、もっと払わないといけないと思っていたときや、誰かとちょっとしか会話をしたいときに使えるフレーズです。  You should try (name of provider) it is amazing how much you get! ~会社おすすめだよ。いくらになるかびっくりするよ! これは、携帯の料金にびっくりすることを強調したフレーズです。  Wow,,,,,that was so cheap! わぁ!すごく安いね! これの表現は、とてもよく使われ、相手の好奇心を掻き立てます。  "what,,,,what was so cheap?"「え、何がそんなに安いの?」(このフレーズを言うとき、レストランなどで、相手の顔を見ずに、携帯や請求書をみながら言いましょう。)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • This month my phone bill was relatively cheap.

  • My phone bill this month was actually quite cheap.

If you would like to express that your phone bill this month was quite cheap to someone, you can say something like "This month my phone bill was relatively cheap." or "My phone bill this month was actually quite cheap.". These are some easy ways to explain this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • This month's phone bill was cheap.

  • The phone bill this month was cheap.

Here are two different ways that we can express that the phone bill was a little bit less than it normally is. Notice that the main difference between the two is how we structure the sentence so feel free to play around with the two and find what is most comfortable for you.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • This month's phone bill was cheaper as compared to the previous months.

This means comparing the phone bill over the past months, the current month was the cheapest. If you are comparing more that 2 months we say cheapest and if it it more than 2 months we say cheapest. The word previous means past.
過去の電話料金を比較することを意味します。 最近は、最も安かったです。 もし、2ヶ月以上を比較するのであれば最安と言えます。 2ヶ月以上では最安ということができます。「previous」とは過去を意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • This month's phone bill seems much less than usual

  • I had a low phone bill this month

Sometimes when you are making calls - especially international calls, you can forget the time and the conversation may go on much longer than usual. If you are not careful, you will end up with a massive bill at the end of the month! However sometimes - like when you go on holiday and then return - the month's phone bill is much less than usual. "This month's phone bill seems much less than usual"
電話、特に国際電話をかけている時、よく時間を忘れていつもより長い時間電話をかけている時ありますよね。注意していないと電話料金が凄まじいことになるのでご注意ください。しかし時として、休暇に行って帰ってきたときなどではその月の電話料金がすごく低いですよね。 例 "This month's phone bill seems much less than usual" 今月はずいぶん電話代が安かったみたいだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Much less than expected..

  • My phone bill was musch less than I expected this month...What a surprise!

Sometimes we are too busy to be on the phone a lot... Perhaps we have had our head "buried in books" (We were studying hard...) The good news is, when this happens: "our phone bill is much less than expected.."
電話にでられないほど忙しいことがありますよね。もしかしたら読書に熱中していたり、必死に勉強していたり。ラッキーなことに、こういう時には、 "Our phone bill is much less than expected.." 思っていたより、携帯料金が安かった。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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