When I go to a restaurant, I always check the rim of the glass I'm going to drink from before I start drinking.
Sometimes the lip of the glass is dirty, which means they didn't wash it well enough, so I never go back to eat at that restaurant again.
ーWhen I go to a restaurant, I always check the rim of the glass I'm going to drink from before I start drinking.
the rim of the glass で「グラスの飲み口」と言えます。
ーSometimes the lip of the glass is dirty, which means they didn't wash it well enough, so I never go back to eat at that restaurant again.
the lip of the glass で「グラスの飲み口」と言えます。
I always check the rim of the glass to ensure it’s clean. If I can tell it hasn’t been properly washed, I stop dining at that restaurant.
・「I always check the rim of the glass to ensure it’s clean. If I can tell it hasn’t been properly washed, I stop dining at that restaurant.」
(意味) 私は必ずコップの飲み口を確認します。たまに、飲み口が汚れていることがあります。明らかにちゃんと洗っていないとわかると、そのお店で食べるのをやめます。
・ensure 保証する、[確実にする](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/66667/)
・rim 縁