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  • starve to death

starve は空腹のことを指します。starve to death は「空腹で死んだ」、つまりは「餓死する」という意味です。 bleed to death (bleed=出血)失血死 drown to death (drown=溺れる)溺死 死に方について書くのはあまり気分のいいものでは無いのでこの程度にしておきます・・・ 餓死がなくなる世の中になることを祈ります。
  • die of hunger

ご質問ありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介します。 {英訳例} die of hunger 餓死する, 飢え死にする {解説} starve を使わなくても表現できると思います。 die は「死ぬ」、 hunger は「空腹」という意味です。 直訳すると「空腹で死ぬ」→「餓死する」となります。 {例} He died of hunger. →彼は餓死した。 Fifty animals have died of hunger in one of Venezuela's main zoos because of a chronic shortage of food. →ベネズエラの主要な動物園で、50頭の動物が餓死した。慢性的な餌不足が原因である。 【出典:Daily Mail-Jul 28, 2016】 Six million children die of hunger every year. →毎年600万人の子どもが餓死している。 【出典:NEWS JUNKIE POST-May 31, 2011】 ~~~~~~~~~ お役に立てば幸いです どうもありがとうございました。
  • Starvation

  • Malnutrition

Starvation is the process of dying from lack of food. Malnutrition is a contributory factor of starvation which signposts oncoming death. Starvation = suffering or death caused by lack of food. "Thousands died of starvation" Malnutrition = is a condition that results from eating a diet in which nutrients are either not enough or are too much such that the diet causes health problems. It may involve calories, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins or minerals.
食べ物不足で死んでいくことをStarvationと言います。栄養失調は死亡の兆候である飢餓の寄与要因です。 Starvation=食糧不足による苦しみや死亡。 "Thousands died of starvation""何千人もの人が飢餓で死亡した" Malnutrition=栄養素が十分でない、または食事が健康上の問題を引き起こすほど多くの食事を食べることから生じる状態です。カロリー、タンパク質、炭水化物、ビタミンまたはミネラルなどの超過、不足によって起こり得る。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • starve to death

If people starve, they suffer greatly from lack of food which sometimes leads to their death. ------------------------------------------- Examples : Presumably they will just starve or die of thirst? There are people starving to death in the world. There are people starving around the globe. I'm exhausted and starving hungry.
If people starve, they suffer greatly from lack of food which sometimes leads to their death. 空腹に苦しむひとが、食べ物の欠如で時には死に至ること。 ------------------------------------------- 例 Presumably they will just starve or die of thirst? たぶん彼らは空腹やのどの渇きを感じるでしょう? There are people starving to death in the world. この世界には空腹で餓死する人々がいます。 There are people starving around the globe. 地球では空腹にあえぐ人がいます。 I'm exhausted and starving hungry. もう疲れておなかぺこぺこだよ。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • starving to death

  • Dying of hunger

Starving to death and dying of hunger are serious descriptions of people who actually die from hunger /lack of food.Here are more expressions to talk about being really hungry: -To be famished -To be so hungry you could eat a horse. To not have a morsel in sight
Starving to death and dying of hunger are serious descriptions of people who actually die from hunger /lack of food.Here are more expressions to talk about being really hungry: -To be famished -To be so hungry you could eat a horse. To not have a morsel in sight Starving to death/Dying of hunger→餓死する。どちらとも、食糧不足から餓えて亡くなってしまう人達のことを表します。 その他の表現: 「お腹がペコペコで」 「お腹が空き過ぎて、馬でも食べられる」(それほどお腹が空いている状態) 「食べるのものが欠片もない」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I am starving

  • My stomach is rumbling so hard, im so hungry

  • Malnutrition

People will often use the phrase, 'I am starving' as an exaggeration when they are hungry, just to prove how hungry they really are. My stomach is rumbling so hard, im so hungry - we say rumbling, when our tummy makes a strange noise when we havent ate in a while. Malnutrition is very dangerous and is when someone hasnt had the nutrients the body needs and could potentially fail if it doesnt get better any sooner.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Starvation

When we feel very hungry, we can say that we are starving. It doesn't have to mean that we are in a state of starvation because of lack of food. We are just exaggerating the situation. We can also say that we are dying of hunger. "I'm dying of hunger. Let's have something to eat soon!" " Millions of people around the world live at or below starvation level"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • die from hunger

「餓死する」はdie from hungerと言います。 die「死ぬ」 hunger「飢え」 例) Many people in the area died from hunger. 「その地域の多くの人が餓死した」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • Starved to death.

If something dies because it does not eat it "starved to death." "Starving" Is present tense meaning at this moment it is very very hungry and has not eaten. "Starved" is past tense meaning that it starved yesterday or last week.
If something dies because it does not eat it "starved to death." 食べなくて死んでしまうことを、Starved to death=餓えて死ぬ。餓死する、と言います。 "Starving" Is present tense meaning at this moment it is very very hungry and has not eaten. "Starved" is past tense meaning that it starved yesterday or last week. Starving(現在形)は、今現在、非常に空腹なこと。Starved(過去形)は、既に餓えた状態のこと。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Starvation

  • Starve to death.

Starvation' is a noun derived from the verb to 'starve'. The verb to 'starve' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'to suffer or die or cause to suffer or die from hunger'. The noun 'starvation' means 'the state of having no food for a long period, often causing death'. So, you may say: Many people starved to death. The animals had died of 'starvation' because of the drought.
Starvation'は 'starve'という動詞に由来した名詞です。 動詞'starve'は幾つかの意味を持っていますが、この文脈では'to suffer or die or cause to suffer or die from hunger'(飢えによって苦しんだり死ぬことや、それを引き起こすこと)を意味します。 名詞 'starvation'は 'the state of having no food for a long period, often causing death'(長い間食べ物がない状況で、死に至ることもある)ことを意味しています。 例: Many people starved to death. ー多くの人が餓死している。 The animals had died of 'starvation' because of the drought. ー動物たちは干ばつによる飢餓で死んだ。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Starvation

  • Starve to death

Starvation is the process of dying from lack of food.
Starvation' は「餓死(飢えて死ぬこと)」という意味です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • starve to death

  • die of hunger

「餓死する」という言葉を英語で表すと、「starve to death」という表現も「die of hunger」という表現も使っても良いと考えました。「Die」は「死ぬ」という意味があって、「death」は「死」という意味があります。「starve」は「飢える」です。例えば、「Some people who are in poverty starve to death.」と「Some people who are in poverty die of hunger.」と言っても良いです。「Poverty」は「貧困」という意味があります。
  • Starved to death

  • Dying of starvation

1. Starved to death This means dying because there is a lack of nutritious food to eat. Nutritious food means food that is beneficial and that can strengthen your body. Example: The animal starved to death because its owner, while on vacation, forgot to leave enough food for it to eat. 2. Dying of starvation This means that an animal or person was not getting enough food to eat to stay healthy and alive. Example: Many children in Africa are dying of starvation.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • "Starving to death"

  • "Dying of starvation"

The phrase "dying of hunger" means that a person is extremely hunger, to a point where it is most likely impacting their health to a degree, other ways of expressing this are to say that the person is "Starving to death" or "Dying of starvation".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • How do you say: "To starve" in English?

Starve, to have no food, to have a lack of food, to go without, having a lack of. Examples: He didn't have any food for weeks so he starved to death. I'm starving! Lets go get some food! I haven't eaten since yesterday, I'm starving!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • to starve.

  • to die of hunger.

  • to die of starvation.

When someone died of hunger we would say that the person, "died of starvation," or, "he starved to death," but we can also use the verb, "to starve," when we are extremely hungry (still alive) but are dying of hungry ( or very very hungry ) - I'm starving, can we please stop for food. However, when someone actually dies of hunger we would say that they, "died of hunger," or like I said before, "died of starvation."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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