The film had a lot of violence. I think it was unnecessary to show it so graphically.
・「The film had a lot of violence. I think it was unnecessary to show it so graphically.」
(意味) 暴力シーンがたくさん出てくる映画でした。ここまでリアルに残酷に暴力を表現しなくてもいいのにと思いました。
<例文>The film had a lot of violence. I think it was unnecessary to show it so graphically. But I still enjoyed it.
<訳> 暴力シーンがたくさん出てくる映画でした。ここまでリアルに残酷に暴力を表現しなくてもいいのにと思いました。それでも楽しめました。
There are too many brutal scenes in this movie. They don't have to make it so real.
ーThere are too many brutal scenes in this movie. They don't have to make it so real.
ーThe scenes with all the violence don't have to be so graphic.