「別に宣伝というわけではありませんが、使ってみてすごく良かったので紹介させてください」と「プロモーションというわけではないのですが、私も気に入って愛用してるので共有させてください」の2文の英訳を知りたいです。I don't mean to advertise, but I've used it and was very happy with it, so let me introduce…ですか?
I don’t mean for this to be a sales promotion, but I just wanted to share it because I’ve used it and really loved it.
This isn’t a sales promotion, but I really love it and use it all the time, so I just wanted to share it with you.
I don’t mean for this to be a sales promotion, but I just wanted to share it because I’ve used it and really loved it.
This isn’t a sales promotion, but I really love it and use it all the time, so I just wanted to share it with you.