「朝礼」は英語で「Morning assembly」、「Morning meeting」、あるいは「Morning gathering」と言います。これらは全て、社員やチームメンバーが一堂に会して情報共有や指示を受ける時間を指します。
中でも「Morning assembly」は、特に教育機関や企業などで組織の一員が一日の始まりに集まる儀式や会議を指す表現としてよく使われます。例えば、「We have a morning assembly every day before we start our work」(私たちは仕事を始める前に毎日朝礼を開く)という具体的な文脈で使うことができます。
It depends rather on the purpose of the assembly.
If it is to perhaps inform everyone about the day ahead, then it could be called 'a briefing,' where critical information is imparted to those present.
If it is more of a religious gathering, it may be called a morning 'service.'
Morning Assembly is a good idea , since we can hear new & relevant information
Morning Assembly has many potential benefits: 1. Connecting with your associates. 2. Discipline. 3. Physical exercise. 4. Important anouncements. etc
"Morning Assembly is a good idea , since we can hear new & relevant information"
"Morning Assembly"(朝礼)には沢山の潜在的な利益がありますね。
1. Connecting with your associates.
2. Discipline.
3. Physical exercise.
4. Important anouncements. etc
"Morning Assembly is a good idea , since we can hear new & relevant information"
We could refer to this as an, "assembly," of people that happens in the mornings. We can also call this type of assembly a, "meeting," and use the word, "daily," to talk about how it happens on this frequent of a basis.