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日本へ旅行に来て、京都へ行きました と言う外国の方に、その時京都以外にどこか他にも行きましたか?と聞きたい時。 Did you go anywhere else except Kyouto then. でいいでしょうか?
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2016/10/19 15:54
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  • Did you go anywhere else?

  • Did you go anywhere besides Kyoto?

「except」を使うと、京都に行かなかった意味になってしまいます。 I went to most of Japan's famous cities, except Kyoto. 京都以外、日本のほとんどの有名な都市に行きました。 京都にも行った場合だと、「besides」を使いましょう。 京都以外には行かなかった場合だと、「except」の方がいいです。 I haven't been anywhere in Japan except Kyoto. 日本中で京都以外には行ったことないです。 「except」は否定の場合に使われています。肯定的な意味だと、「besides」を使います。そのもの、その場所プラスほかのも、という意味です。 What other movies have you seen besides Star Wars? スター・ウォーズ以外は何の英語を見たことありますか?
Tim Young 主催
  • Did you go anywhere else besides Kyoto?

  • Did you go anywhere other than Kyoto?

英訳1:anywhere else で「他のどこか」、besides は「〜以外に= 〜に加えて」という意味なので、anywhere else besides Kyoto で「京都のほかにどこか」となります。except は「〜以外に= 〜を除いて」(without に近い)という意味なので、京都は含まれません。 英訳2:other than も「〜の他に」となるので、京都も行ったことになります。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Apart from Kyoto, did you visit any other places?

  • Where did you go apart from Kyoto?

Someone has travelled half way around the world to come to Japan and they say they have been to Kyoto. They will probably also want to see some other places if they have time available. But if it's the end of the holiday, you are interested to know if they went anywhere else. "Apart from Kyoto, did you visit any other places?" "Yes, I went to the snow festival in Sapporo."
すごく長い道のりを経て日本にやってきた人が、京都にいったといっています。時間が許せばもっと色んなところに行きたいと思っているでしょうね。しかし、日本での滞在が最終日であれば、どこか違うところにいったかどうか知りたいと思いますよね 例 "Apart from Kyoto, did you visit any other places?" 京都のほかにはどこかいきました? "Yes, I went to the snow festival in Sapporo." はい、札幌に雪まつりを見に行きました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Have you visited any other place?

  • Did you go anywhere else?

  • Did you go anywhere other than Kyoto?

You can ask any of these questions:- 1. Have you visited any other place? To visit means to go to see and spend time with (someone) socially. 2. Did you go anywhere else? This means to ask if you went anywhere other than Kyoto. 3. Did you go anywhere other than Kyoto. This means to ask if you have visited any other cities besides Kyoto.
これらの質問を使って尋ねることが出来ます。 1. Have you visited any other place? "visit"とは、人や場所を訪れるという意味です。 2. Did you go anywhere else? これは、京都の他にどこへ行きましたか?と言う意味です。 3. Did you go anywhere other than Kyoto. これは、京都の他にどこかへ行きましたか?と言う意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • where else did you visit?

  • Did you visit many places whilst in Japan?

Example "did you see many other places whilst in Japan?". or "did you see much of Japan?". Asked as an open question to illicit an answer. or "where else did you visit whilst in Japan".
【例文】 "Did you see many other places whilst in Japan?". (日本滞在中その他にも色々な所に行きましたか?) "Did you see much of Japan?" (日本をよ~く見て来ました?) 大ぴらに言いにくい答えを聞く質問になります。 "Where else did you visit whilst in Japan" (日本滞在中はその他はどこへ行きましたか?)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • What other city have you visited in Japan?

  • Do you plan on visiting any cities other than Kyoto?

  • What's on your travel itinerary while you are here in Japan?

When speaking with travelers coming to Japan, you can simply ask where they plan on traveling during their time in the country. Also, you can reference the word "itinerary", because when most people travel abroad, they schedule the cities they would prefer to visit and the specific tourist locations they want to see.
日本を訪れる旅行者と話をするとき、シンプルに訪問中に訪れる予定のある町を尋ねることができます。この時に旅程 "itinerary"という言葉をつかえます。大体の海外旅行者は訪問したい町や観光地をスケジュールに組んでいるからです。
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • Were there any other places you visited besides Kyoto?

  • What were some other places you went to besides Kyoto?

Were there any other places you visited besides Kyoto? is used when you are curious as to where else someone visited in addition to Kyoto. What were some other places you went to besides Kyoto? can be used when you would like to know other places that a person visited besides Kyoto.
"Were there any other places you visited besides Kyoto?" (京都の他にはどこへ行きましたか?) これは誰へ京都以外のどこへ行ったか興味があり聞きたい時に使うことが出来ます。 "What were some other places you went to besides Kyoto? " (京都の他にどこへ行きましたか?) これは相手が京都の他にどこへ行ったのか、質問する時に使うことが出来ます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Did you go anywhere else?

  • Did you explore anywhere else?

  • Did you travel anywhere else?

Notice that in the three examples we can use the same construction for all of the phrases with only changing the main verb. We can use the verbs, "to go," "to explore," or, "to travel" interchangeably to all mean the same thing.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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