Excuse me. Does this shirt come in a smaller size?
When trying to get the attention of the staff, it is polite to say "excuse me." For all clothing items, you can simply ask, "do you have this in a smaller size?" This also applies for shoes and outerwear, such as jackets. To be more specific, you can ask, "do you have this shirt in a smaller size?" You can also say, "does this shirt come in a smaller size?"
スタッフに尋ねる際、"excuse me."(すみません)と言と丁寧です。
"do you have this in a smaller size?(もう少し小さいサイズがありますか?)
"do you have this shirt in a smaller size?"(もっと小さいサイズのシャツがありますか?)
"does this shirt come in a smaller size?"(シャツはもう少し小さいサイズがありますか?)
If you are shopping for clothes and need a smaller (or bigger ) size, you need to ask the store clerk or attendant if the store has a smaller size. This question can be phrased in many different ways. You
can use any of the three statements above to ask this question.
There are a few different ways for you to ask if they have the item in a smaller size. You can use the following:
"Does this come in smaller sizes?"
"Do you have this in a smaller size?"
"Does this come in smaller sizes?"
"Do you have this in a smaller size?"
>Hi, is this the smallest size you have?
*This is asking indirectly if they have smaller sizes available. When you ask this question they would then answer with a yes or no and give you the available sizes.
Hi, is this the smallest size you have?
To stock something = stock something (of a shop/store) to keep a supply of a particular type of goods to sell
"Do you stock green tea?"
"We stock a wide range of camping equipment."
You are in a store and tried on a pair of trousers. they are too big - but only just! You ask an assistant:
"Do you stock any smaller sizes in these trousers?"
To stock something = 商品などを在庫しておく
"Do you stock green tea?"
"We stock a wide range of camping equipment."
"Do you stock any smaller sizes in these trousers?"
These type of questions leave the store-person with no question as to what you require.
This can be used for any item of clothing and even bulk items of groceries you want to buy. It is always polite to precede your statement with an "excuse me" or "please". Always follow your question with a "thank you" .
何かを伝えるときには、"Excuse me" あるいは "Please" で始めると丁寧です。
質問をした後には必ず "Thank you" と言いましょう。