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2015/12/08 19:03
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  • ① Deducted from my salary

天引きとは、一社員の手に届く前に引かれてしまうお金だと思います。 「今月の給与明細を見たときに保険料などが天引きされていた」と言いたいなら「When I looked at my paycheck this month, I saw that my national insurance premium, among others, was deducted from my salary」 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Deducted from my/your salary

  • Deducted from my/your paycheck

天引きのことを英語で「deduct/deduction」といいます。名詞がdeductionで動詞がdeductになります。 例) My company automatically deducts insurance (fees) from my salary every month. = 私の勤めている会社が毎月の給料から保険料を自動的に天引きしています。 ちなみに、よく給料から天引きされる「健康保険料」と「年金」は英語で「medical insurance (fees)」と「pension fees」といいます。
  • This will be subtracted on your next paycheque.

  • This will be subtracted from your salary.

  • The subtraction will appear on your payslip.

The verb "Subtract" simply means to take away something from something else, which is a decreased amount in size or number. Although deduction is commonly used, subtract is not incorrect English. Subtract and Deduct are extremely close synonyms. Examples: Your sick days will be subtracted on your next paycheque. If you decided to have a company car, it will be subtracted from your yearly salary. The subtraction of your unpaid sick days will appear on your next payslip.
動詞の「Subtract」は単に何かを差し引いてサイズや数を減らすということを意味します。 「deduction(減給)」は一般的に使われます。「subtract(天引き)」は正しくありません。「deduction 」と「subtract」は非常に似た同義語です。 例文 Your sick days will be subtracted on your next paycheque. 病欠の日を次の給料から減給します。 If you decided to have a company car, it will be subtracted from your yearly salary. 社用車を買うことを決めたら、毎年の給料から天引きされます。 The subtraction of your unpaid sick days will appear on your next payslip. 病欠の日の減給は次の給料に反映されます。
Jake L DMM英会話講師
  • It was deducted from my paycheck.

  • It was taken out of my salary.

Taxes, unpaid leave (sick days) and other fees are taken out of your salary. To "deduct" something means to "subtract" something. You can say "take out" to mean the same thing: "They took the three absences out of my salary."
税金、無給の休暇(病欠など)、その他の費用がお給料から引かれます。 deduct は、なにかを"差し引く"という意味です。take out も同じ意味で使うことができます。They took the three absences out of my salary.(彼らは私の給料から3日の欠勤分を差し引いた。)
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • The company deducted money from my salary.

  • The company docked my pay because I was absent without notice.

  • I incurred salary deductions from my last pay check.

The most common phrases used would be "docked my pay" and "salary deductions". When an employer takes money from your salary for any reason, it is considered to be a deduction or them docking your pay. You can also simply state the following: "The company took money out of my paycheck this week".
 最も一般的なフレーズは、"docked my pay" と"salary deductions"でしょう。 何らかの理由で、雇用者側が、あなたの給料から天引きするということは、deduction または docking your pay、つまり差し引くことと言えます。. "The company took money out of my paycheck this week" 今週、会社が給料からお金を差し引いたよ。 と、言うこともできます。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • A deduction from salary at source.

  • A statutory deduction from salary at source.

  • A company deduction from salary at source.

'Statutory deduction' means taken from salary because of a national law: for example taxes, national insurance. A 'company deduction' would be a sum of money taken from the salary by the company: for example, for lunch vouchers, company club membership, preagreed private medical insurance payments etc. although there are few situations in the UK when company deductions are permitted. 'At source' means before you receive it :-)
'Statutory deduction' とは、法律による給料からの天引きを指します。例えば税金や国民保険、会社からの天引きについては、company deductionといいます。例えば昼食券だったり、メンバーシップ費用など個人保険などがあげられます。UKでは後者は少ないです。 At sourceは、受領前、という意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A deduction from my salary

  • subtracted from my salary

"A deduction from my salary" means that they took from your salary. Other words for deduction are subtract/minus.
"A deduction from my salary"給与天引きは、あなたの給与から取られるという意味。 取る、引くという意味では subtract/minus.も使えます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • salary deductions

  • taken from my salary

"deducted"- This is a word we use when we are taking away from something. In this case, fees are deducted from your salary. We call these "salary deductions". Example: " The salary deductions were wrong this month. Can you please fix it?" "taken from"- This is another way of saying that something was subtracted from your salary. For example: "The insurance fees were taken from my salary."
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • A deduction from your salary.

  • Tax deduction.

If you are wondering how you can explain to someone when money is taken out of your slary, you can call it a "salary deduction". A "deduction" means when a certain amount is taken out/minus-ed from something else. You can use it in a sentence by saying "I had to deduct my house rental fees from my salary.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Deducted from my salary.

  • Deductions from my salary.

The main difference between these two phrases is that, "deducted," is the past tense verb form of the word whereas, "deductions," are the noun form of the phrase. You can use either one depending on the full sentence you make with them.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Deducted from my salary.

This month I got some money taken out of my salary to pay for my annual health insurance. It can be common to get insurance and superannuation schemes organized through the company that you work for. Some companies may subsidize this or cover the cost in full as an added benefit of working for that company.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Deducted

  • Subtracted

You could use any of the above three words to say that money has bee taken from your salary. Examples; - My pension fund fee is deducted from my salary each month. - My kids school fee's are subtracted from my salary every month.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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