世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




あなたの国では当たり前にみなさんが英語が話せるので英語の先生の仕事は少ない?就くのが難しい?のような感じです。 英会話レッスンの先生に上手く質問出来なかったのでお願いします。
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2016/10/29 03:56
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  • Is it hard to find a job as an English teacher?

  • Is it difficult to get a job as an English teacher?

こんにちは。 Is it hard/difficult で「難しいですか?」になります。「仕事を探す」の部分ですが、直訳をすると find a job になります。こちらはそのまま「仕事を探す」という意味ですが、他に get a job(就職する)という表現も自然です。job as a(職種)で「〜の仕事」という意味になります。 例: A: Since most people in your country can speak English, is it difficult to get a job as an English teacher? あなたの国ではほとんどの人が英語を話せるので、英語の先生の仕事に就くのは難しいですか? ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Is it difficult looking for work as an English teacher?

  • Is it difficult to find work as an English teacher?

  • Is it difficult to find a job as an English teacher?

「英語の先生の仕事を探すことは難しいですか?」という質問を英語で表す、とこの三つの質問を使っても良いと考えました: 「Is it difficult looking for work as an English teacher?」 「Is it difficult to find work as an English teacher?」 「Is it difficult to find a job as an English teacher?」 「仕事」という言葉は「work」または「job」になります。「探すことは難しい」は「difficult looking for」と「difficult to find」になります。「as an English teacher」は「英語の先生として」という意味があります。
  • In increasing levels of formality, from least formal (and most intrusive) to most formal (and most general):

  • 1. Was it hard for you to find a job as an English teacher? 2. Is it hard to find a job as an English teacher?

  • 3. Is there much work for English teachers? 4. What are the prospects for the English teaching industry?

To gain information on the state of the industry for English teachers, you can either ask about a person's specific experience and draw a general conclusion from that person's experience, or you can ask a broader question about the state of the market without mentioning a specific person, whether that is the person you are asking or a generic abstract person. The more you ask about a specific person's experience, the less formal the question. For example, you may ask question 1 above verbally and in person, but you may phrase the same idea at a seminar, editorial, or written media as in question 4. Note that question 1 is addressed directly to a listener, question 2 refers to a generic theoretical teacher, question 3 focuses on potential work (but doesn't focus on the doers of that work - the teachers), and question 4 focuses on the overall industry and the same question is implied subtly rather than addressed directly.
英会話業界の現状について知りたいなら、その人個人の経験を尋ねてそこから一般的な結論を導き出すか、あるいは特定の人(それが目の前にいる人であれ抽象的で一般的な人であれ)には言及せずより一般的な質問をすることも可能です。特定の人物に焦点を当てれば当てるほどインフォーマルな質問になります。 例えば、その人に対してじかに尋ねるなら【質問1】が使えますが、セミナーや社説、書記媒体では【質問4】が使えます。 【質問1】は聞き手個人に向けられた質問です。 【質問2】は一般的な架空の先生について言っています。 【質問3】は仕事の潜在性に焦点を当てています(ただ、その仕事の担い手〈=先生〉には焦点を当てていません)。 【質問4】は業界全体に焦点を当て、同じ質問を間接的に尋ねています。
Tim Th DMM英会話講師
  • Is finding a position as an English teacher difficult to do?

  • How hard is it to get a job as an English teacher?

  • If I would like to become an English teacher, would it be a complicated process?

Another way of referring to the job one acquires is the word position. If it is difficult to find a position, then it can mean that it is hard to acquire. If someone wants to know the level of difficulty for something, asking how hard it is will express that. "How hard" can also refer to something tangible, so the term does have multiple uses. To become something is another way of saying to take on or begin to be something. If the process to do this is complicated, there may be several steps or requirements in order to become whatever the end result is, like becoming a teacher.
勤め口のことは "Position" でも表せます。"Find a position" は「仕事を得る」という意味です。 あることの難易度は、"How hard" で確認できます。"How hard" は有形の物についても使えます、つまり、複数の用法があります。 "To become something" は「~に変わる」という意味です。そのプロセスが "Complicated"(複雑)なら、それには(先生になるには)いくつかの段階あるいは条件があるのかもしれません。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Is the market for an English teacher competitive?

This is a formal way to ask your teacher if it was difficult for them to find a job. If you ask about the market, you are asking about the entire field of English teachers in their area or domain (online vs in-person). I hope that this helps. :)
先生に仕事を見つけるのが難しかったかどうか尋ねるフォーマルな言い方です。 "the market" は、(オンラインもしくは対面の)英会話業界全体について尋ねます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Is it difficult/hard to find a career as an English teacher?

  • Is it difficult/hard to find a profession as an English teacher?

  • Is it difficult/hard to land a job as an English teacher?

The three sentences provided essentially have the same meaning, which is asking if finding a job as an English teacher is difficult or hard. The first and second example sentences imply a long-term job working as an English teacher for many years, even decades. These two sentences can be used in formal and casual situations. >Is it difficult/hard to find a career as an English teacher? >Is it difficult/hard to find a profession as an English teacher? The last example sentence implies the job position to be shorter, perhaps one year to a few years. This example sentence is also more casual and colloquial (slang). >Is it difficult/hard to land a job as an English teacher?
上記三つの例文は基本的には同じ意味です。英語の先生の仕事を見つけるのは難しいかと尋ねています。 一つ目と二つ目の例文は、何年何十年と続く長期の仕事というニュアンスです。この二つの例文はフォーマルな場面でもカジュアルな場面でも使うことができます。 >Is it difficult/hard to find a career as an English teacher? >Is it difficult/hard to find a profession as an English teacher? (英語の先生としてやっていくのは難しいですか) 最後の例文は1年とか数年のより短い仕事のニュアンスです。また、この文はよりカジュアルで口語的です(スラング)。 >Is it difficult/hard to land a job as an English teacher? (英語の先生の仕事を見つけるのは難しいですか)
Toney DMM英会話講師
  • Is it easy to find a job teaching English?

  • Is it hard to find work as an English teacher?

  • Is there a lot of demand for English teachers?

In the third sentence, I use the word demand. In this case, demand refers to the economic need for English teachers. For example: The demand for oil in Asia has been rising for the past 20 years. This is a more formal, academic way of asking a question.
三つ目の文では "demand" という言葉を使っています。ここでは、"demand" は英語教師の需要を指しています。 例えば: The demand for oil in Asia has been rising for the past 20 years.(アジアにおける石油の需要はここ20年増え続けている) これはフォーマルで学術的な質問です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • How competitive is the market for english teaching at the moment?

  • What's the rate of employment in your field?

The 'market' being spoken about here is in regards to english teaching, by asking about competition, you are politely asking if it is easy to get a job as an english teacher. This is quite a delicate questions which most people do not like to talk about as it is linked to money; however the rate of employment is the formal way of asking if there are many jobs available for english teachers.
この 'market' は英会話業界を指します。競争は激しいのかと聞いて、英語教師としての仕事を得るのが簡単なのかどうか確認しています。丁寧な言い方です。 これはお金についての質問なのでほとんどの人は話したがらないと思いますが、'the rate of employment' はフォーマルな言い方です。英語教師としての仕事がたくさんあるのか尋ねています。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
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