i was delayed at work and only just arrived at home
"i just got in". a casual way of saying i just arrived.
"i am sorry, i just got home".
"i was delayed at work and i just arrived at home".
"I just got in". (丁度着きました。)と言うカジュアルな言い方です。
"I am sorry, I just got home".(すみません、今家に着きました。)
"I was delayed at work and I just arrived at home".(仕事が遅くなってしまい、今丁度家に着きました。)
*I am sorry I am late. I just got back from work.
This is a polite way of informing the teacher that you are sorry for been late and this is because you coming from work. This means that you could have been delayed on your way home e.g traffic jam, extended meetings etc.
*I am sorry I am late.
I just got back from work.
Im sorry , traffic was terrbile and I just made it home for work.
Both of these sentences are a good way to tell your teacher why you are late. Remember that being late to most places is looked upon a bit disrespectful so no matter who it is you always want to began your sentence with " Im sorry" this lets the other person know that you are concious that you are late but that you did not do it on purpose.
どちらの表現も、先生になぜ自分が遅刻したのか伝えるいい表現です。遅刻はどんな場合でも、相手に失礼にあたるので、常に" Im sorry"で申し訳ない気持ちを伝え、わざと遅刻したわけではないことを伝えましょう。
When you want to apologize for being late for class because you just got back from work, then you can tell the teacher:
-I'm sorry I'm late. I got held up at work.
-I'm sorry I'm late, I just got back from work.
-I got held up at work. Sorry.
-I'm sorry I'm late. I got held up at work.
-I'm sorry I'm late, I just got back from work.
-I got held up at work. Sorry.
First it would be good to apologize for being late but to explain why we were late we could say that, "I just got back," or we can just the progressive tense with, "I'm just getting back from work." Sometimes we don't need to explain that we're coming back from work but we can also say, "I just got home."