世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/11/01 18:41
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  • Whose turn is it to make dinner tonight?

  • Whose turn is it to make lunch?

  • Whose turn is it to make breakfast this morning?

「Whose turn is it」は「誰の番?」という意味なので、出だしは同じです。朝食、昼食、夕食かを指定する必要があります。dinnerは「tonight」、breakfastは「this morning」を付けますが、ランチについては何も言わないのが普通です。お役に立てば幸いです。
  • Who is today's chef?

「Who is today's chef?」 「今日のシェフはだぁれ?」と、家族や友達の間で使うちょっとお茶目な言い方です☆
Akane 英会話講師/通訳/バイリンガルMC
  • Who's taking care of our meal today?

  • Whose turn is it to take care of dinner tonight?

既に回答がついておりますが、それに付け加えて、ご紹介します。 ☆例文1の説明ですが Who's taking care of our meal today? Who's=Who is の略      take care of~ もともと「 ~の面倒を見る」ですが、これは人の面倒だけではなく「~の仕事をする」という意味でもよく使われます。 be taking care of~ と進行形の形ですが、この場合は、すでに順番が決まっていて、そうなることが決まっていますので(ほぼ確定の未来)この形が自然です。 ここは、our meal(食事)としましたが、もちろん、meal のかわりに、breakfast, lunch, dinnerなどでもOKです。 例文2は、すでにご紹介があった、turn(順番)を使った言い方です。 「今晩ディナーの(作る)仕事は誰の順番ですか。」 it の真主語は、to 以下になります。 ご参考まで。
  • Who's on the dinner rota today?

  • Who's the chef today?

A rota is a timetable which shows the details of who is doing what at any particular time. "The dinner rota shows that James is in charge of cooking today."
「rota」は、誰がいつ何をするかを示した予定表のことです。 "The dinner rota shows that James is in charge of cooking today." (当番表だとJamesが今日の夕飯係だよ)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Who is on cooking duty today?

  • Who's turn is it to cook today?

Both of these sentences can be used to ask who is cooking on said day.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Whose turn is it to prepare dinner tonight?

  • Whose turn is it to cook dinner tonight?

  • Whose turn is it on the roster to cook dinner tonight?

If you are standing in a queue or line to get something done and you are next, it is your turn. Say you are in a queue or line to debate a certain topic and someone jumps in front of you to debate before you, you may say: Don't jump the queue, I am next in line, it's 'my turn'. In this case, family members are on a duty roster (a list showing turns of duty) to cook dinner on given days. Say you have just .come home and you haven't looked at the duty roster as yet, you may ask as follows: Whose turn is it to prepare dinner tonight? or Whose turn is it to cook dinner tonight? or Whose turn is it on the roster to cook dinner tonight?
あなたが何かを得るために列に並んでいて、次があなたならばあなたの番です。ある話題を議論するのに順番を待っていて、誰かがあなたの前に乗り込んできたら、以下のように言えるでしょう: Don't jump the queue, I am next in line, it's 'my turn'. (順番を抜かさないで。次は私の番です。) この場合、家族で夕食の料理の当番の割り振りをしています。あなたが家に戻ってきて、まだ当番表を見る前に、以下のように尋ねるでしょう: Whose turn is it to prepare dinner tonight? Whose turn is it to cook dinner tonight? Whose turn is it on the roster to cook dinner tonight? (今晩の夕食は誰の当番ですか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Who is on duty to make dinner today?

  • Who is responsible for dinner today?

▪Who is on duty to make dinner today? Duty= a task or action that one is required to perform as part of one's job ▪Who is responsible for dinner today? Responsible= as part of one's job or role
【例文】 ▪Who is on duty to make dinner today? Duty= 仕事の一環として行う必要がある作業や行為 【例文】 ▪Who is responsible for dinner today? Responsible= 仕事や役割の一部として
Denton DMM英会話講師
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