世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/05 20:02
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  • Which food did you like most?

  • Which dish did you like most?

「どれが一番美味しかった?」を英語に訳す時は、 「’’どの料理’’が一番美味しかった?」と発想します。 「どの料理」とは、 「which food」 「which dish」 と表現できます。 ご参考にされてください☆
  • Which one did you like the best?

  • Which one tasted the best?

「おいしかった?」というと、「delicious」を使いたくなるかもしれませんが、「delicious」は主観を伴うので、こういうときは「どれが一番好きだった?」という言い方をするのが一般的ですね。 「Which one tasted the best?」という言い方もしますが、「料理の鉄人」のように、審査員が味見をしてコメントしているような、厳格な状況に限定されます。
  • Which one did you like the best?

  • Which one was the best for you?

★Which one did you like the best? (どれが一番好きだった?) どの料理がおいしかったかと聞きたいとき、 どれが好きだったか、とたずねるのが 一般的な聞き方の1つです。 ★Which one was the best for you? (どれが一番おいしかった?) 「おいしい」というのはgoodでも表せるので 「一番おいしい」ということで goodの最上級のbestを使い、 このように言うこともできます。 for youを付け加えることで、 「あなたの」感想を聞きたいと 強調することができます。
  • Food was good, but what did you like the most?

You can ask other specific questions to support what you are saying such as. e.g. Did you prefer the starter to the main course? Di you like my dessert or yours?
あなたが何を聞きたいのかを後押しするような他の特定的な質問もすることができます。 例) Did you prefer the starter to the main course? メインコースより前菜の方がよかった? Di you like my dessert or yours? 私のデザートとあなたのデザートどっちが好き?
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • Which dish was your favorite?

  • Which dish did you like most?

Which' This is used when asking someone for an opinion or information on a definite set of things. Example A: Which animal is your favorite? B: A pig. In this example the animals are the definite things that A seeks an opinion on. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 'Favorite' means that one must choose which meal he/she likes most. Therefore, both answers that I have provided will result in the same answer. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Example A: Which dish was your favorite? B: The prawn starter was delicious. A: That was my favorite too.
Which' 誰かに意見を聞く時や情報収集をする時に使う言葉です。 例 A: Which animal is your favorite? B: A pig. この質問の場合質問者は回答で動物の名前を求めています。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 'Favorite' は好むものやお気に入りのものなのでこの場合は一番好む食べ物を答えないといけません。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 例 A: Which dish was your favorite? B: The prawn starter was delicious. A: That was my favorite too.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A) Which dish did you enjoy the most?

  • B) Which dish was your favorite ?

A) Which dish did you enjoy the most? *enjoy the most -Which dish tasted the best / which dish did you prefer B) Which dish was your favorite ? *Favorite :preferred to all others of the same kind. "their favorite Italian restaurant" I hope this helps :-)
A) Which dish did you enjoy the most? (どの食事が一番よかったですか?) *enjoy the most -どの料理が一番おいしかったですか/どの料理を一番好みますか B) Which dish was your favorite ? (どの料理が一番好きでしたか?) *Favorite :同じようなものの中でお気に入り、一番気に入っている "their favorite Italian restaurant" (彼らのお気に入りのイタリアンレストラン) お役に立てれば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Which dish stood out for you?

  • From the food we had which one is your number one?

  • Which was the most outstandanding dish for you?

"Which dish stood out for you?: If something stands out it means that if is very noticeable or more superior compared to other things.In this sentence you are asking which was the best dish for your guest. "From the food we had which one is your number one?" If something is your " number one " it means you enjoyed it the most or it is your first option from a series of choices. "Which was the most outstanding dish for you?" If you describe someone or something as outstanding, you think that they are very remarkable and impressive. e.g Korrokke was the most outstanding dish from the selection we had for dinner.
"Which dish stood out for you?: もし何かがstands outという場合は、これは他のものに比べてとても目立ち優れているということを意味しています。この分では、あなたはどちらの料理があなたのお客様にはより良いかを聞いています。 "From the food we had which one is your number one?" もし何かがあなたの" number one "と行った場合にはそれはあなたがそれを一番楽しんだということ、またはそのチョイスの中で一番だったということを意味しています。 "Which was the most outstanding dish for you?" もしあなたが誰かや何かをoutstandingと表現したら、それらがとても優れていて印象的だと考えているということを意味しています。 e.g Korrokke was the most outstanding dish from the selection we had for dinner. コロッケは夕食で食べた中で一番素晴らしかった。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Which dish did you enjoy the most?

  • What was your favorite dish?

Both of these sentences ask what dish someone enjoyed the most.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Which dish did you like the most?

  • Which dish did you enjoy the most?

  • Which dish was your favorite?

Here are two ways that we can ask a friend which dish/food they liked the most. Notice that we can interchangeably use the two verbs, "like," and, "enjoy," to express this concept. We could also use other verbs as well, like : - Which dish did you love the most? or, we can use the simple version with the adjective, "favorite." - Which dish was your favorite?
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What was the best dish for you today?

  • Which dish tickled your tastebuds most?

  • Tell me about which dish you loved most!

If you would like to ask what meal your partner or friend enjoyed most, use the sentences above. The word 'most' tells us that there was more than one dish served. In all the questions, we are asking for their preference. "I enjoyed the rice soup most!"
一緒に食事をした相手に何が一番おいしかったか尋ねたいなら、上記の文が使えます。 'most'(最も)は、そこで複数の料理が出されたことを表します。 どの質問も相手が何を気に入ったかを尋ねています。 "I enjoyed the rice soup most!" (ライススープが一番おいしかったです)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Which one did you like best?

  • Which one did you like the most?

こんにちは。 「どれが一番美味しかった?」は下記のような表現ができます。 ・Which one did you like best? ・Which one did you like the most? (the) best も (the) most もこの場合は同じような意味になります。 また、I liked 〜 the most! のように答えることができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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