Don't bother me while I'm watching TV! →テレビを観ている時に邪魔しないで!
Stop bothering me! I'm watching this show right now! →邪魔するのはやめて!今この番組を観ているの!
「邪魔をしないで!」というのを、「stop bothering me!」とよく言います(^^)
下記の例文に出てくる、disturb, bug, bother, interruptは、どれも「邪魔をする」という意味です。
英訳1:I'm trying to watch TV right now so don't disturb.(今テレビを見ているんだから、邪魔しないで)
*単にI'm watchingというのではなく、trying to watchとしているところがポイントです。「~しようとしている」、つまり「集中して観たいんだ」という気持ちが伝わります。
英訳2:Can't you see I'm watching TV?(私がテレビ観てるってわからない?)
英訳3:Not now! I'm watching TV!(今はやめて。テレビ観てるんだから)
If you use the phrase 'in peace' at the end of the sentence, then you are telling the person that they are really bothering you.
in peace'を文の最後に使い、彼らは本当にあなたの邪魔をしていると伝えられます。
DMM英会話講師 Adel A(アデル)
「邪魔しないで!」という言い方は"don't bother me" が一番よく使います。
また、単純に「話しかけないで!」という意味で"don't talk to me" を使ってもいいでしょう。
Do not disturb also means do not bother.
Do not disturbとは、邪魔をしないでくださいという意味でもあります。
DMM英会話講師 Natsai(ナツァイ)
Someone is making a noise and keeps asking you questions, but you are trying to concentrate on an important news item on the television. You say quietly:
"Please let me finish watching this programme."
However the questions continue and what's more, you missed what the President was saying.
You lose your patience:
"Be quiet and leave me alone!" It is informal and rude but it may just achieve the desired response!
誰かが騒いでいて、あなたに質問し続けますが、あなたはテレビの大事なニュースに集中しようとしています。 あなたは穏やかに
"Please let me finish watching this programme."「この番組を見終わってからにして」と言います。
"Be quiet and leave me alone!" 「静かにして!邪魔しないで!」
I'm watching TV now, call me back later.
Sorry I can't help you with that at the moment, my favorite TV show is on.
Sorry not right now, I just want to watch my favorite show in peace!
I'll talk to you later, can't you see I'm watching TV at the moment?
It is very normal for us to want some time to ourselves without any distractions. During this time we can enjoy doing things like watching television. We can wind down after a long day's work and have some snacks in front of us. If we have children it is normal for them to interrupt us, because they don't know any better.
If you would like to express that you would like to be undisturbed while watching television then you may use these sentences above.
You might be watching your favorite show, movie or documentary that needs you to focus in order to understand.
Before the show starts, be sure to tell the people around you to make sure they don't disturb
"Please don't talk to me while I'm watching my favorite show."
"I'm watching my favorite show, please don't disturb me."
"I'd like no disturbances while o watch TV, please."
"Please, be quiet while I am watching television
Sshhh...is a sound made by blowing air though the clenched teeth!
This sound signals displeasure or annoyance; by a sound or a disturbance from someone else...It is commonly used in The West. And when we hear this
sound we know we should cease the disturbance...
(used in libraries, cinemas and homes;-)))
Shhh!! don't disturb me now!
Shhh!! don't disturb me now!
If you would like to tell someone to not disturb you while you watch TV, you can say something like "Please do not bother me while I am watching tv." or "Please do not disturb me while I am watching the television. ". These are some ways you can get your message across while being polite.
I'd like to watch tv without being troubled please.
The phrase, "without being troubled" means that you
want to sit and watch tv quietly without anyone
bothering you with questions or trying to make small
talk. "Small talk" making conversation about unimportant
I'd like to watch tv in peace please.
The phrase, "in peace" means that you do not want
to be disturbed by anyone or anything.
There are several ways to ask someone to not bother you. You can ask to be left alone or you can give instructions like if I am doing this leave me alone.