世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/11 20:58
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  • I hate being compared to other people.

他人と比べられるのが大っ嫌いだ! I hate being compared to my father. 父親と比べられるのが大っ嫌いだ! 関連ツイート What's the point in doing so? そんなことして何の意味があるの? Comparison is the thief of joy. 比ベても何の楽しいこともない。
  • I hate being compared to others

hate = dislike When you compare things, you consider them and discover the differences or similarities between them. Please don't compare me with her! Note how smooth the skin of the upper arm is, then compare it to the skin on the elbow. But you cannot compare the two.
hate は dislike(〜が嫌い)という意味です。 なにかをcompare(比べる)とき、あなたはそれらについて考え、相違点や類似点を見つけます。 Please don't compare me with her! (彼女と比べないで!) Note how smooth the skin of the upper arm is, then compare it to the skin on the elbow. But you cannot compare the two. (二の腕の皮膚はすべすべですよね。ひじの皮膚と比べてみてください。でも2つは比べることができません。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like it when people compare me to other people.

  • I don't like being compared to others.

>I don't like it when people compare me to other people. >I don't like being compared to others. Both expressions are clearly indicating that you do not like being compared. You can also say in non casual way: #I am not a fan of being compared.
I don't like it when people compare me to other people. I don't like being compared to others. どちらの表現もそうされる(比較される)のが好きではない事を意味する表現です。 カジュアルではない表現で、以下のようにいう事でもできます。 I am not a fan of being compared. 比較されるのが好きではありません。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I do not wish to be compared to others.

  • I dislike being compared to other people.

  • Please, do not compare me to other people.

These are ways you may tell someone that you do not wish to be compared to other people. Third sentence is if you are saying it to someone in person. "Please, do not compare me to other people." Or you can also say "Please, i prefer if you do not compare me to other people." Dislike (in 2nd sentence) Is like saying I do not like it when you compare me to other people.
これらはあなたが他の人と比べられたくないことを伝える言い方です。 3つ目の文は、相手に直接言っているときを想定しました。 "Please, do not compare me to other people." または、"Please, I prefer if you do not compare me to other people."ということができます。 Dislike(2つ目の文)を使うと、あなたが他の人と比べるときは好きではないという意味になります。
Marina P DMM英語講師
  • I am totally different to anyone else and beyond comparison

  • To compare me with others is a pointless exercise

  • Please don't put me in the same boat as James

Well, of course, you could easily say, "I don't like being compared with others," but what you like or do not like may not be important to anyone! So it may be more intelligent to concentrate on describing your uniqueness, in which case it then becomes silly to make a comparison with anyone else - because they are different! To be in the same boat = be in the same difficult circumstances as others. "Do not despair: you are one of millions in the same boat."
"I don't like being compared with others," ということができるよ。 ただ、あなたが好きかどうかがあまり相手にとってはカネキのないことですよね。 だから自分のユニークなところを表現するほうが賢いと思います。 そうすれば他人と比べるのがばからしくなってくるはずです。 なぜなら人とは違うのですから。 To be in the same boat = 他の人と同じ困難な状況にあること 例 "Do not despair: you are one of millions in the same boat." 失望しないでね。あなたのように困っている人は何百万人もいるんです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I hate being compared to other people

  • I don't like being the subject of comparisons.

If you don't like being compared to others, then you hate it. The verb to 'hate' is the exact opposite of the verb to 'like'. If you say 'I don't like being the subject of comparisons', you actually mean to say that you 'hate' being the subject of comparisons. The noun 'comparison' means the careful consideration of the differences or similarities between, in this case two or more people. If you are the subject of 'comparisons', you are being compared to other people and you hate it. So you may say: I hate being compared to other people. or I don't like being the subject of comparisons.
他の人と比べらることが嫌いということは、それがhate ということです。 'hate' という動詞は、 'like'(好き)の対義語です。  'I don't like being the subject of comparisons'とは、比較の対象になることが嫌いという意味です 名詞'comparison'は、この場合2人またはそれ以上の人との違いや似た点をよく考えるという意味です。  あなたが'comparisons'(比較)の対象であるなら、他の人と比較されてそれが嫌いということです。 I hate being compared to other people. 他の人と比較されることが嫌いです。 I don't like being the subject of comparisons. 比較の対象になることが嫌いです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I don't like being compared to others

  • I'm unique and cannot be compared anyone

When you're trying to explain that you do not like to be compared to others; for example, then you can say: -I don't like being compared to others -I'm unique and cannot be compared anyone
他人と比べられるのが嫌いと説明したいとき、以下のように言えるでしょう: I don't like being compared to others. (他人と比べられるのが嫌いです。) I'm unique and cannot be compared anyone. (私は私で、他人と比べられる必要はありません。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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