"You shouldn't mix alcohol with medications." 「アルコールと薬は一緒に飲むべきではない。」
mix A with B... は 「AとBを混ぜる、調和させる」などの意味があります。
例えば "mix business with pleasure"なら「ビジネスと遊びを兼ねる」になります。便利な表現なのでぜひ覚えてくださいね。
1. Don't drink when taking medicine - it nullifies the medicine!
2. The medicine won't work if you drink alcohol.
3. You'll never get better if you spoil the effects of your medicine by drinking.
1. Nullify = make of no use or value; cancel out.
"Insulin can block the release of the hormone and nullify the effects of training"
2. It works/it doesn't work = it functions/does not function.
"The engine won't work with an empty fuel tank!"
3. To spoil something = diminish or destroy the value or quality of.
"I wouldn't want to spoil your fun."
1. Nullify = 無効かする、相殺する。
"Insulin can block the release of the hormone and nullify the effects of training"
2. It works/it doesn't work = 上手く働かない、機能しない。
"The engine won't work with an empty fuel tank!"
3. To spoil something = 質や価値をさげる、著しく落とす
"I wouldn't want to spoil your fun."
Some medicines (escpecially anti-biotics) do not work when you take them with alcohol so it is always best not to drink when taking them you can say 'do not take medicine with alcohol'
When taking two things together (medicine & alcohol) we call this to 'mix' them
'Do not take medicine with alcohol'(お酒と一緒に薬を飲んではダメです)と言えます。
二つのもの(薬とお酒)を一緒に取ることは、'to mix' で表せます。
You can use these expressions to instruct or inform someone not to mix these two substances together.
-You shouldn't take alcohol with medicine.
-Don't mix alcohol and medicine.
-You shouldn't take alcohol with medicine.(お酒と薬は一緒に飲まない方がいい)
-Don't mix alcohol and medicine.(お酒と薬を一緒に飲んではダメ)
You shouldn't drink alcohol while taking a prescription.
You shouldn't drink alcohol while taking your medication.
You shouldn't drink alcohol while taking your medicine.
On a lot of prescription medicine bottles, there will be warnings against drinking alcohol and taking medicine together. The most common reason is because it's dangerous and possibly fatal, but it could also make the medicine ineffective.
If you know that the person you're advising is taking medicine prescribed/written by a doctor, you can call it a "prescription". "Prescription" is commonly used to refer to medicine that was specifically ordered by a healthcare professional, like a doctor. Prescriptions are also filled or prepared at a pharmacy.
Medication is also another way you can say "medicine". All three words (medicine/prescription/medication) are all commonly used to refer to medicine that people take.