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2016/11/17 14:36
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  • have been in a wheelchair

  • use a wheelchair

have been in a wheelchair →(以前から)車椅子で生活している use a wheelchair →車椅子を使う 「車椅子生活」は文脈により訳し方が変わると思います。 Rinaさんもおっしゃっていますが、use a wheelchair や in a wheelchair を使うとうまく言い表せると思います。 {例} She's been in a wheelchair for nearly 50 years. 彼女は50年近く車椅子の生活です。 She's been in a wheelchair since she was 3 years old. 彼女は3歳の時から車椅子の生活です。 He's disabled and uses a wheelchair. 障害があって車椅子を使っています。 He uses a wheelchair to get around. 移動には車椅子を使っています。 ---- よかったら参考にしてください。 ありがとうございました。
  • life in a wheelchair

〜の生活 life of- / life in - wheel chair:車椅子 少し説明的にはなりますが、このような表現もできます。 One of my relatives has a disability and uses a wheelchair. わたしの親戚は障害があって、車椅子を使っています。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • He/she is an active wheelchair user.

Some wheelchair users do refer to themselves as rollers, but generally it is impolite to refer to a wheelchair user as anything other than a wheelchair user. It is also very impolite to touch their wheelchairs as they are an individuals personal space and property. You should not say they are disabled or wheelchair bound or anything like that as it is disrespectful. You should not make any assumptions about why they are in a wheelchair.
車椅子利用者の中には、自分自身を"rollers"と呼んでいる人もいますが、一般的には、車椅子利用者以外の人を車椅子利用者と呼ぶのは無礼です。 彼らにとって車椅子は個人的な空間や財産であるため、それに触れることは非常に無礼です。 あなたは、彼らが身体障害者であることや、車椅子に縛られているなど、そのようなことを言ってはいけません。 なぜ、彼らが車椅子にいるのかについて何も想定すべきではありません。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • She spends her life in a wheelchair

  • To get around she has to use a wheelchair

  • She needs a wheelchair to get around

* She spends her life in a wheelchair* Meaning = she always needs a wheelchair if she wants to get around anywhere *To get around she has to use a wheelchair * Meaning= she cannot walk for some reason *She needs a wheelchair to get around* Meaning = she has to use a wheelchair because she cannot walk. *to get around* Meaning = to move around. To go down the street, to go to the shops- anywhere outside of her home. You could also say: *She has a disability so needs to use a wheelchair* Meaning= she has an impairment/ condition which means she needs to use a wheelchair * We need to go somewhere wheelchair friendly* Meaning= we have to go somewhere where there are ramps instead of stairs so wheelchairs can move freely around. * The UK is wheelchair friendly* Meaning= the UK has lots of attractions, streets, cafes, restaurants, museums (general public places) where wheeldchair users can go.
*彼女は人生を車椅子に費やす* 意味=彼女はいつでもどこでも周りを回りたいと思うなら車椅子が必要です *周りを回るには、車椅子を使用する必要があります* 意味=彼女は何らかの理由で歩くことができない *彼女は車椅子が必要です* 意味=彼女は歩くことができないので車椅子を使わなければならない。 *周りを回る* 意味=移動する。 通りを降りる、家の外のどこでも店に行くこと。 あなたはまた言うことができる: *彼女は障害があるので、車椅子を使用する必要があります* 意味=彼女は障害がある/それは車椅子を使う必要があることを意味する *私たちはどこか車いすに親切に行く必要があります* 意味=階段の代わりに斜面があるどこかに行かなければならないので、車椅子は自由に動くことができます。 *イギリスは車椅子に優しいです* 意味=英国には、車椅子利用者が行くことができる多くのアトラクション、通り、カフェ、レストラン、博物館(一般の公共の場所)があります。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • My relative can't walk.

  • My relative is disabled.

  • My relative uses a wheelchair.

My relative can't walk. - you can add more on to this for example "My relative can't walk far, so they use a wheel chair". My relative is disabled - disabled carries a lot of conditions, however when you think of disabled you automatically think of the wheel chairs painted on a parking bay. So you associate disabled as being in a wheel chair. My relative uses a wheelchair. - Simple and to the point. This tells people that your relative uses a wheel chair permanently.
My relative can't walk. -この文章には、こう追加しても良いでしょう。 "My relative can't walk far, so they use a wheel chair". My relative is disabled - disabled は色んな意味がありますが、disabledという言葉から車いすを想像できます。 My relative uses a wheelchair. - シンプルで的を射ていますよね、自分の親戚が一生車いす生活であることを伝えられるでしょう。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • A relative of mine lives in a wheelchair.

  • A relative of mine in wheelchair bound.

If you are trying to explain to someone that someone you know lives their whole life in a wheelchair, you may say something like, "a relative of mine lives in a wheelchair." or another way of explaining to someone that a specific person is dependant/needs a wheelchair to live is to say "A relative of mine is wheelchair bound.".
「ずっと車椅子で生活している」は次のように言えます。 "A relative of mine lives in a wheelchair."(親戚に車椅子で生活している人がいます) 「車椅子で生活している/車椅子が必要である」は、次のように言うこともできます。 "A relative of mine is wheelchair bound."(親戚に車椅子で生活している人がいます)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Disabled

  • Wheelchair user

  • Handicapped

Wheelchair user' If someone uses a wheelchair, we can refer to them as a 'wheelchair user'. We can use the adjective 'disabled' to refer to someone who may have a physical or mental condition that can limit their movement. We can use the noun 'disability' to say 'This person has a disability'.
Wheelchair user'(車椅子利用者) 車椅子を使っている人のことは 'wheelchair user' と言えます。 形容詞の 'disabled' は、身体や精神の健康状態により、体を自由に動かせない人をいいます。 名詞の 'disability' を使って、 'This person has a disability'(この人には身体障害があります) と言うこともできます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • He has to use a wheelchair.

  • He relies on a wheelchair.

Both of these phrases are used in the same way and talk about the necessity that someone needs to use a wheelchair to move around and be mobile.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • He relies on a wheelchair

  • She has been in a wheelchair all of her life

Wheelchair - a movable chair mounted on large wheels which are used for disabled people. The first one underlines the importance of the wheelchair, whereas, the second one is just an explanation for how long she has been using the wheelchair.
Wheelchair(車椅子) 体に障害のある人が使う、大きな車輪の付いた可動式の椅子。 一つ目の例では、車椅子の重要性を強調しています。 二つ目の例は、単純に車椅子を利用している期間を伝えます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • They are confined to a wheelchair

  • They can only get about in a wheelchair

  • They have to use a wheelchair

Confined to = we use this form when talking about the restrictions that are placed on a person or thing. "John was confined to his bedroom yesterday for coming home late." To get about = to move around the place...the town, the local area, the country, the room. "Old man Jenkins can't get around on his own anymore - he needs to be pushed in a wheelchair." "Muriel has to use a wheelchair as her legs were paralysed following an unsuccessful operation."
Confined to = 人や物事にかせられた規制について話すときにこの構文を使います。 例:"John was confined to his bedroom yesterday for coming home late." ジョンは家に遅く帰ってきたせいで、ベッドに閉じ込められている。 To get about = うろうろする。例えば街や市内、部屋の中なで 例:"Old man Jenkins can't get around on his own anymore - he needs to be pushed in a wheelchair." ジェンキンスさんは自分で歩き回ることはもうできない車いす生活だ。 例:"Muriel has to use a wheelchair as her legs were paralysed following an unsuccessful operation." ムリエルは手術が失敗し足が麻痺してしまい、車いすを使っている。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A paraplegic

  • He/She is paralyzed.

  • He is confined to a wheelchair.

Paraplegic (noun) a person affected by paralysis of the legs and lower body Paralysis (noun) the loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body Confined (adjective) means to be restricted in area ___________________________________________________ A: We have to find a ramp B: Why? A: John is confined to a wheelchair and won't be able to make it up the stairs A: My cousin is in a wheelchair. B: What happened? A: He was in an accident and now he is a paraplegic.
Paraplegic(名詞)=下半身不随の人。 Paralysis(名詞)=麻痺。 Confined(形容詞)=車いすなしでは動けない。 例文: A. 傾斜路を探さないと。 B.どうして? A. ジョンは車いすがないと動けなくて、階段を上がれないんだ。 例文②: A. ぼくのいとこは車いす生活している。 B. 何があったの?  A. 事故に遭って、下半身不随なんだ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • He/she is handicapped and uses a wheelchair.

He/she - the person you are referring to handicapped - having a condition that markedly restricts their ability to function physically, mentally, or socially wheelchair - a chair fitted with wheels for use as a means of transport by a person who is unable to walk as a result of illness, injury, or disability Example : My friend is handicapped and uses a wheelchair everyday.
He/She- あなたが言及している人 handicapped- 身体的、精神的、社会的に機能する能力を著しく制限する状態にある人のこと wheelchair - 病気、傷害、または障害により歩行不能な人が動く手段として使用する車輪付きの椅子 例:My friend is handicapped and uses a wheelchair everyday.ー私の友人は身体障害者で、毎日車いすを使用しています。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • She has been in a wheelchair all of her life.

  • It is impossible for her to get around without her wheelchair.

  • She has been depended on her wheelchair ever since i can remember.

A)She has been in a wheelchair all of her life. Meaning of this sentence is the following -> She has never been without a wheelchair. / The wheelchair has always been apart of her life. B)It is impossible for her to get around without her wheelchair. Definitions : Impossible -> not capable Get around - move around. Meaning of this sentence is the following -> It is not possible for her to move around without her wheelchair. C) She has been dependent on her wheelchair ever since i can remember. Definitions Dependent - reliant on- Can not live without it. Meaning of this sentence is the following ->She has been dependent on her wheelchair ever since i can remember. - She has been in a wheelchair all of her life.
A)She has been in a wheelchair all of her life.彼女は彼女の人生のすべてを車椅子とともにいました。   この文の意味は次のとおりです。>彼女は車椅子なしになったことは一度もいない。 /車椅子はいつも彼女の人生の一部であった。 B)It is impossible for her to get around without her wheelchair.ー彼女が車椅子なしで移動することは不可能です。 定義:   Impossible - >できない get around - 移動すること。 この文の意味は以下の通りです。>彼女が車椅子なしで移動することはできません。 C)私は覚えているので彼女は彼女の車椅子に頼っていました。 定義 従属 - 依存している - それなしでは生きられない。 この文の意味は以下の通りです。>私は覚えているので彼女は車椅子に依存しています。 彼女は人生のすべての車椅子にいました。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Wheelchair bound

  • Wheelchair dependant

If someone is wheelchair bound it means they are in a wheelchair all the time and are constantly attached to it. We also have the phrase housebound which describes someone who cannot go outside and has to stay indoors, usually because they cannot walk very well. Wheelchair dependent means the person relies on a wheelchair to be able to move around. The word dependent can follow any thing that a person relies on. E.g. Alcohol dependent - to be addicted to alcohol Financially dependent - to rely on someone else to support them with money
wheelchair bound と言うと、彼らはいつも車椅子に載っていることを意味します。housebound という言葉もありますが、それは外に行くことができずいつも家の中にいる人のことで、だいたいの場合上手く歩けないことが理由です。 wheelchair dependent は、車椅子に頼らないと動き回ることができない人のことです。dependent という言葉は、人が依存しているものの単語の後ろに付くことができます。 例 alcohol dependent - お酒に依存する人 financially dependent - 他の人にお金のサポートをしてもらわないといけない人
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • He is handicapped so he relies on a wheelchair.

  • He relies on a wheelchair.

  • He has lived most of his life in a wheelchair.

These phrases explains to the listener that the relative relies on a wheelchair to get around in everyday life and it is important for their well being.
OllieVee DMM英会話講師
  • He has been wheelchair-bound for many years.

  • He relies on a wheelchair to get around.

Wheelchair-bound means that he cannot move around without his wheelchair. He relies on a wheelchair means that he depends on his wheelchair to help him get around.
Wheelchair-bound は車椅子なしでは移動することができないことを意味します。 He relies on a wheelchai は彼は車椅子によって困難を避けていることを意味します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • live in a wheelchair

  • use a wheelchair

  • spend most of her time in a wheel chair

例えば、「彼女は車いす生活です」と言いたい場合、以下のようにも表現すると良いと思います(*^_^*) 例) She lives in a wheelchair. 「彼女は車いすで生活しています」 She uses a wheelchair. 「彼女は車いすを使っています」 She spends most of her time in a wheelchair. 「彼女は車いすで時間のほとんどを過ごしています」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • disabled

  • Wheelchair bound

  • relies on a wheelchair

disabled example sentence: I have a relative who is disabled and they have to move around in a wheel chair for the rest of their lives. Wheelchair bound example sentence: My one relative is wheelchair bound and they cannot move around without their wheelchair. relies on a wheelchair: I have one relative who relies on a wheelchair to go to wherever he needs to go.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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