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2016/11/18 18:30
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  • The weather report said it's going to rain this afternoon, so don't forget your umbrella!

  • Don't forget your umbrella! It's gonna rain this afternoon.

  • The weather lady said it would rain this afternoon, so take an umbrella!

You can refer to "天気予報" as the "weather forecast," or "weather report." If it was a man reporting the weather, we sometimes call them a "weather man," and if it is a lady (天気予報のお姉さん), we say "weather lady." You can say it like this: - The weather man said it was gonna rain! Take your umbrella. - The weather lady said it would rain this afternoon, so take an umbrella! Or you can stick with "weather report:" - The weather report said it's going to rain this afternoon, so don't forget your umbrella! Or you could leave it out all together and go with: - Don't forget your umbrella! It's gonna rain this afternoon.
天気予報の事を"weather forecast," か "weather report." と言います。 もし男性の場合は"weather man"で女性の場合(天気予報のお姉さん)は”weather lady"です。 このように言えます: - The weather man said it was gonna rain! Take your umbrella. - The weather lady said it would rain this afternoon, so take an umbrella! "weather report"のままでも使えます: - The weather report said it's going to rain this afternoon, so don't forget your umbrella! それともweather reportやweather man/ladyを使わずにこう言えます: - Don't forget your umbrella! It's gonna rain this afternoon.
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • The weather forecast says it's going to rain after 3:00pm today. I think you should take your umbrella.

The weather forecast says (that) it's going to rain after 3:00pm today. 天気予報によると、3時すぎから降るって。 I think you should take your umbrella. 傘持って行った方が良いよ。 「雨らしいよ」の言い方ですが、英語にすると「雨が降るらしい」というように お天気表現で”it is”で伝えるのが自然です。 また「〜によると」」という意味で”--says”という表現も覚えておくと便利です! 「かもしれない」はこの状況だと「傘持って行った方がよいんじゃない?」という気持ちだとおもいますので、上記のように"I think you should"としました! 参考になれば!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • We have been warned to expect rain from pm..Make sure you bring an umbrella.

  • Take your umbrella with you,they have predicted rain from 3pm

  • It looks like it's going to rain from 3PM today.You should take an umbrella with you

These are adequate ways of expressing the idea of a weather prediction and to warn someone to bring an umbrella. You could also say : " Make sure you don't get caught in the rain today. The weather forecast says its going to rain from 3PM until the evening today."
これらは、傘を持参するよう忠告したり、天気を予想したりするときの適切な表現です。 他には、次の表現も使えます: " Make sure you don't get caught in the rain today.The weather forecast says its going to rain from 3PM until the evening today." 「今日、雨に濡れないようにね。午後3時から夕方まで雨の予報だよ。」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Rain is expected from 3 p.m. You should better take an umbrella.

  • Rain is expected from 3 p.m. Better take an umbrella.

  • I heard that it will rain from 3 p.m. Better take an umbrella.

二文に分けて話すと言いやすいです。 「雨らしい」というのに対して、 rain is expected (雨が予報されている)、または I heard that it will rain が一番短くて話しやすいかと思われます。
分が長いので、二文に分けて訳すと言いやすいです。 「雨らしい」というのに対して、 rain is expected (雨が予報されている)、または I heard that it will rain が一番短くて話しやすいかと思われます。
Florin  翻訳・通訳
  • A) Rain has been predicated from 3 pm onwards , bring an umbrella with you.

  • B) It will be raining this afternoon don't forget your umbrella.

A) Rain has been predicated from 3 pm onwards , bring an umbrella with you. *Predicated -say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something. Example -"it is too early to predict a result" *Onwards-in a continuing forward direction; ahead. Example -"she stumbled onward" B) It will be raining this afternoon don't forget your umbrella. - it will rain in the afternoon (if you would like to be more specific you can add 3pm like i have did above) you should bring an umbrella. i hope this helps :-)
devotee 捧げている人 捧げる、愛している、忠誠心がある 'devoted' Devotee は誰かを愛している、忠誠心がある人 例 A: Who is your favorite musician?誰がお気に入りのミュージシャンなの? B: I am a devotee of Lady Gaga.レディガガの大ファンなの。 A: I am a devotee of Lady Gagaレディガガの大ファンです。 B: Me too.私も! ______________________________________________________________________ Admirer 崇拝者(名詞) 称賛する 'admire' 例 A: Who do you admire?誰を崇拝しているの? B: I am an admirer of Lady Gagaレディガガの崇拝者よ。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • According to the weather forecast, it will rain as from 3PM. Please take your umbrella with you.

  • The weather report stated that it will rain as from 3PM. Please be prepared with an umbrella.

A weather forecast is a prediction of what the weather will be for the next day or few days. This is usually broadcast over the radio, on TV, or in the newspapers. You can also find the weather forecast on your laptop. On TV, you can find an hour by hour forecast. With the probability of rain at 3PM, one is definitely advised to carry one's umbrella with him/her, especially if he/she will be outdoors at that time. The noun 'weather report' is interchangeable with 'weather forecast'. . It is often very accurate and ignoring the advice to carry an umbrella would be unwise.
A weather forecastとは、次の何日間かの天気の予想のことです。 ラジオやテレビ、新聞で見られますね。 パソコンでも見られンサ牛、一時間ごとの予想も見られます。 3時の降水確率、傘をもっていくかのアドバイスは、外に出ている人にとっては重宝するものです。 Weather reportという名詞は、weather forecastと同義です。 最近ではすごく正確なことも多く、傘を持っていくというアドバイスを無視するのは賢くない行為でしょう。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The forecast gave rain after 3 and advised taking an umbrella

  • I advise taking an umbrella as the prediction is rain after 3pm

The forecast = a calculation or estimate of future events, especially coming weather or a financial trend. synonyms: prediction, prophecy, forewarning, prognostication, augury, divination, prognosis, projection, calculation. The prediction =a thing predicted; a forecast. "a prediction that economic growth would resume" synonyms: forecast, prophecy, divination, prognosis, prognostication, augury. You may talk about weather prediction or simply 'prediction.'
The forecast = 味蕾の出来事の計算、予想、特に天気や金融のトレンドなどの予想を指す。 類義語:prediction, prophecy, forewarning, prognostication, augury, divination, prognosis, projection, calculation. The prediction =予想。 a forecast. "a prediction that economic growth would resume" 経済の盛り返しの予想。 類義語:forecast, prophecy, divination, prognosis, prognostication, augury. 天気予想のことは、weather predictionとも、単にpredictionともいいます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It should rain after 3PM. Please, take an umbrella.

  • I heard it wil rain soon. Take umbrella with you.

To warn people about the weather, you should use any of these sentences because they suit the purpose of the subject.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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