世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/04 21:55
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  • I had still had my umbrella up even though it wasn't raining

  • I didn't notice the rain had stopped so I still had my umbrella up.

If it is raining but you didn't notice and still had your umbrella up, you an say: I had still had my umbrella up even though it wasn't raining 'To have your umbrella up' means to have the umbrella open. I didn't notice the rain had stopped so I still had my umbrella up. Still means that you continued to do something. I hope that helps!
雨が降っていないのに気づかず傘をさしていたこと、それは I had still had my umbrella up even though it wasn't raining. ということができます。 have your umbrella up というのは、傘を開いてさしていることを意味します。 I didn't notice that the rain had stopped so I still had my umbrella up. (雨が止んだことに気づかたかったので、傘をまださしていました。) still はなにかをし続けていたことを意味します。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I was walking with my umbrella open even though it wasn't raining.

★【情報処理プロセス】“雨が降ってないのに傘をさして歩いていました”と言いたい →①傘をさして歩いてました+②雨が降ってないのに →①英語の法則である【誰が何やったの+接着剤】に従います →I was walking with my umbrella open →②even though it wasn't raining. ※英語は結論から聞きたがるので、①傘をさして歩いてた、を先に持ってきた方がよいですね ※英語には、【誰がどうしたの+接着剤】という法則があるために、傘を「さす」という動詞がありません。同様に、靴を「履く」、帽子を「かぶる」などの動詞も存在しません☺ 参考にしていただけますと幸いです☺
  • I was so full of my own thoughts that I left my umbrella open even though the rain had stopped

  • I didn't notice the rain had stopped and continued walking with my umbrella up

Here you could either just offer up the bland statement of facts concerning this scenario, as in: "I didn't notice the rain had stopped and continued walking with my umbrella up," or, you prefer to give some further explanation, or even some kind of exceuse as to why you were so preoccupied: "I was so full of my own thoughts that I left my umbrella open even though the rain had stopped."
ここでは次のようにシナリオ通りのことを言うだけでも良いですし、: "I didn't notice the rain had stopped and continued walking with my umbrella up," または、更に説明を加えたり、何故そんなに頭がいっぱいだったのかについての説明のようなものを加えても良いでしょう。: "I was so full of my own thoughts that I left my umbrella open even though the rain had stopped."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wasn't aware that the rain had stopped and so I walked around with my umbrella open.

"I wasn't aware that the rain had stopped and so I walked around with my umbrella open." You walked around with an open umbrella because you didn't notice that the rain had stopped. You could also say: -I was so immersed in my thoughts I didn't even noticed that it wasn't raining anymore so I walked around with an open umbrella. immersed = to involve oneself deeply in a particular activity You were so absorbed/deep in thought that you didn't even notice that the rain stopped.
"I wasn't aware that the rain had stopped and so I walked around with my umbrella open." 雨がやんだことにきづかず傘をさしたまま歩いたときに使います。 または以下のようにいうこともできます。 -I was so immersed in my thoughts I didn't even noticed that it wasn't raining anymore so I walked around with an open umbrella. immersed = 夢中になる、何かに頭や体がいっぱいいっぱいなときに使います。 You were so absorbed/deep in thought that you didn't even notice that the rain stopped. =考えに夢中になって、雨がやんだのに気付かなかった。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I did not notice that it had stopped raining so I was still walking with my umbrella.

  • Because I had my umbrella open I failed to notice that it had stopped raining.

"I did not notice that it had stopped raining so I was still walking with my umbrella." "I did not notice that it had stopped raining." This explains that you did not know the rain was gone. "So I was still walking with my umbrella." This explains what you did. "Because I had my umbrella open I failed to notice that it had stopped raining." "I failed to notice." Means that you did not realize that the rain had stopped.
"I did not notice that it had stopped raining so I was still walking with my umbrella." 雨が止んだことに気づかないで傘をまださして歩いていました。 "I did not notice that it had stopped raining." 雨が止んだことに気が付かなかった。 "So I was still walking with my umbrella." これは自分が何をしていたか表現しています。 傘をさしてあるいていたという意味ですね。 "Because I had my umbrella open I failed to notice that it had stopped raining." 傘をさしていたから雨が止んだことに気が付かなかった。 "I failed to notice." 雨が止んだことに気が付かなかった。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Even though the rain had stopped, I still had my umbrella open.

  • I was still walking around with my umbrella open after the rain had stopped.

In the first sentence, you have used the phrase 'even though', which means 'despite the fact that', to qualify 'the rain had stopped'. You further used the word 'still' which functions as an adjective, an adverb, a verb and a noun. In this instance, it was used as an adverb which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'up to and including the present or the time mentioned; even now (or then) as formerly'. So, you may say: Even though the rain had stopped, I still had my umbrella open. or I was still walking around with my umbrella open after the rain had stopped.
最初の文では、~という事実にもかかわらずという意味の 'even though'を使っています。 つまり、`雨が止んだにもかかわらず`という表現になります。 また 'still' は形容詞、副詞、動詞、名詞として機能する単語ですが、ここでは副詞として用います。 副詞としての'still' もいくつかの意味を持ちますがこの文脈の中で、今もなお・以前の状態のまま、という意味です。 よって、以下のようなフレーズで言う事ができます: Even though the rain had stopped, I still had my umbrella open. I was still walking around with my umbrella open after the rain had stopped.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I was walking with my umbrella open even though it wasn't raining anymore.

  • I forgot to close my umbrella when it stopped raining, so I was walking with the umbrella open the whole time

When you want to explain that you were walking with your umbrella open when it was not raining because you did not notice that the rain had stopped; then you may explain in the following ways: -I was walking with my umbrella open even though it wasn't raining anymore. -I forgot to close my umbrella when it stopped raining, so I was walking with the umbrella open the whole time
「雨がやんだのに気付かず、雨が降っていないのに傘を差して歩いていた」は、次のように言えます。 -I was walking with my umbrella open even though it wasn't raining anymore.(もう雨が降っていないのに傘を差して歩いていました) -I forgot to close my umbrella when it stopped raining, so I was walking with the umbrella open the whole time(雨がやんだのに傘を閉じるのを忘れて、その間ずっと傘を差したまま歩いていました)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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