はい、My stomach hurts!と言うと、文字通り「痛みを感じている」と捉えられます。
英訳1:My stomach is in knots.は一種の慣用句で、「緊張などで胃がキリキリする」という意味です。「キリキリする」と言っても本当に心配されるような「痛み」ではなく、とにかく「この人は緊張しているんだ」と理解してもらえます。
- I feel tightness in my stomach.
- There's tension in my stomach.
- I feel tightness in my abdomen.
- There's tightness in my abdomen.
- My stomach muscles are tense because I'm under a lot of stress.
① I have a stomachache.
head とつけると
I have a ~
② My stomach hurts.
My と hurts(ハーツ)の間に、
My back hurts!
1番目は、That (その原因をすでに説明している場合)が「a pain in my neck」(悩みの種)なんだよ~という表現になります。 同僚が原因の場合は、That の所が He/She になりますし、上司が原因の場合は、That の所が My boss になります。
2番目は、「ストレスで胃が痛くなる」(痛くなってるかどうかは関わらず)との事ですので、実際に胃(stomach)を使って表現してみました。 主語は1番と同じで、That (その原因をすでに説明している場合)が「strikes my stomach」(私の胃を(こぶしなどで)突く)のよーという表現になります。
3番目は、どこも痛まないんですが、ストレスやつらい状態の際に使う表現になり、that (その原因をすでに説明している場合)が「stress me out」(ストレスでへとへとになる・ストレスで参らせる)のよーという表現になります。
The stress is really getting me! Ouch, I'm getting twinges in my stomach!
Stress is a terrible thing and when it hits it may have devastating effects on people's health and family life. It is important to tell someone if you are feeling stressed so as to share your feelings. That's what friends are for.
"I'm so stressed, my gut hurts."
"Oh, please tell me all about it."
Twinges in my stomach = pain or cramp in your stomach area
"I'm so stressed, my gut hurts."あーすっごいストレス感じる。胃が痛いよ。
"Oh, please tell me all about it." ぶちまけてみろよ
Twinges in my stomach:胃腸のむかつきや痛み
"My stomach is sore because of stress." This explains that you have a sore stomach because you are stressed.
"When I am so stressed my stomach gets sore." This explains that when you get stressed then your stomach starts to hurt.
"My stomach is in knots." This is an English phrase that explains your stomach feels very tight and sore.
"My stomach is sore because of stress."
"When I am so stressed my stomach gets sore."
"My stomach is in knots."
>My stomach is suffering from the stress.
*By saying your stomach is suffering is indicating that your stomach hurts.
>The soreness in my stomach is from the stress
*soreness=pain in a part of one's body.
>The stress is causing a twinge in my stomach.
*twinge=a sudden, sharp localized pain
My stomach is suffering from the stress.
「your stomach is suffering」というと胃が痛いということを意味する表現です。
The soreness in my stomach is from the stress
The stress is causing a twinge in my stomach.
I'm so stressed that my stomach muscles are tensing up.
The stress is giving me pain in my stomach.
This stress is causing pain in my stomach.
muscles tensing up - this is when your muscles start to tighten and constrict
A. I hope that your race goes well today.
B. I don't know, man. I'm so stressed about it that my stomach muscles are tensing up. I just want it to be over already.
muscles tensing up
- これは筋肉が引き締まり、収縮し始めた時のことを指します。
A. I hope that your race goes well today.
B. I don't know, man. I'm so stressed about it that my stomach muscles are tensing up.
I just want it to be over already.
The pressure was incredible on the day...my stomach was in knots with the stress!
We often get "Gut feelings" as a reaction when meeting new people..
Somtimes however it is not simply our "intuiton" at play!
and we may feel "under a great deal of pressure" ;-(
IE our "stomach is in knots!" Because we feel so stressed out and cannot relax!
私たちは、初めて人と会う時によく "Gut feelings"(内臓やはらわたが感じるような直感)を感じたりします。
しかしながら、これはただの私たちの "intuiton"(直感)のひらめきではないですよね!
そして "under a great deal of pressure"(大きな圧力)を感じる時も( ;-(
すなわち、私たちの"stomach is in knots!"(胃がもつれています)!
I am having a stomachache due to stress right now.
My stomach has been hurting because I have been stressed out lately.
If you would like to explain to someone that you have a stomach ache and that it is due to stress, you can say something like "I am having a stomachache due to stress right now.". The word "due" mean because of something which is why it is a good word to use for this sentence to express that the reason your stomach hurts is BECAUSE of stress.
You can use any of the above two sentences to express that your stomach is sore.
- I feel stressed out, I have a stomachache.
- All this stress i'm dealing with has given me a stomach ache.
1. I feel an ulcer coming on from all this worry.
Ulcers are usually the result of tension and stress.
People who are highly stressed feel the pain in their gut
and this is when they remark: I feel an ulcer coming on...
"'Coming on" means that you are having tell-tale signs that
an ulcer is developing.
Example sentence:
I feel a migraine coming on.
2. My stomach is in knots.
Your stomach is usually knotted with pain when you are
experiencing a stressful or tension-filled period in your life.
Example sentence:
My stomach was in knots while waiting for my test results.