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2018/01/22 04:32
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  • I have a stomach ache because of all the stress.

  • My stomachache is caused by stress.

  • When I get stressed my stomach hurts.

"I have a stomach ache because of all the stress." This explains that your stomach hurts because you get stressed. "My stomachache is caused by stress." This explains to the person that the reason your stomach hurts is because of stress. "When I get stressed my stomach hurts." This explains that when you get stressed you get a stomach ache.
"I have a stomach ache because of all the stress." (このすべてのストレスのせいで胃が痛いです) これはストレスのせいで胃が痛むことを説明しています。 "My stomachache is caused by stress." (ストレスのせいで胃が痛みます) これは胃が痛む原因はストレスのせいだ、と言う事を説明しています。 "When I get stressed my stomach hurts." (ストレスを感じると胃が痛みます) これはストレスを受けると胃が痛む、と言う事を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I have a stomachache when I get stressed.

  • My stomachache hurts when I'm stressed out.

「ストレスで」は「ストレスが溜まると」と 考えると良いですね。 「ストレスが溜まると」は get stressed, be stressed outです。 get stressedのgetは変化を表しています。 ストレスがない状態からストレスがある状態に 変化するというニュアンスです。 be stressed outは「ストレスでくたくただ」と いうニュアンスを表します。 こちらの方がストレスが体にこたえている 感じ出せます。 もちろんget stressed outとも言えます。 「胃が痛い」は2通りの表現を紹介致します。 Ihave a stomachache.は文字通り「胃が痛い」です。 他には I have a toothache.(歯が痛い) I have a headache.(頭が痛い) のようにも使えます。 あとは痛む場所を主語にして My stomachache hurts とも言います。 英語では「~が痛い」という場合は 痛む場所を主語にして動詞はhurtを 使えば大丈夫です。 日本語とほぼ同じような表現なので 言いやすいかもしれません。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Stress causes my stomach to ache, and it's sore right now

  • I have a stomachache because of stress

  • Whenever I am stressed, I get a stomachache

When you want to explain that your stomach is sore due to stress, then you may explain it in the following ways: -Stress causes my stomach to ache, and it's sore right now -I have a stomachache because of stress -Whenever I am stressed, I get a stomachache
ストレスで胃が痛むことを伝えるフレーズです。 -Stress causes my stomach to ache, and it's sore right now ストレスがたまると胃が痛くなります。今ちょうど痛いです。 -I have a stomachache because of stress ストレスのせいで、胃が痛い。 -Whenever I am stressed, I get a stomachache ストレスがたまると胃が痛くなります。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My stomach hurts because i am stressed

  • I have a stomachache as i am stressed

  • My stomach hurts when i get stressed

If you are telling someone you have a stomachache or sore stomach from being stressed you could say both of these sentences 'My stomach hurts because i am stressed' or ' I have a stomachache as i am stressed' if you are wanting to tell someone your stomachs hurts when you get stressed then 'My stomach hurts when I get stressed' this would explain this well
ストレスで胃が痛いと伝える場合、以下の二つの文が使えます: 'My stomach hurts because I am stressed' (ストレスのせいで胃が痛い) 'I have a stomachache as I am stressed' (ストレスのせいで胃が痛い) ストレスがたまると胃が痛くなると言いたいなら、 'My stomach hurts when I get stressed' (ストレスがたまると胃が痛くなる) これでしっかり伝わると思います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I get a stomach ache when I’m stressed.

  • Stress causes me to have stomach aches.

When a person gets a stomach ache due to stress it means that the person is facing discomfort in their stomach due to being stressed-out.
I get a stomach ache when I'm stressed.' (ストレスがたまると、胃が痛くなる) これは、ストレスが原因で胃に不快感があるということです。
Baiden DMM英会話講師
  • "My stomach gets upset when I am stressed."

  • "When I am stressed my stomach hurts."

"My stomach gets upset when I am stressed." - in the US, we tend to use the phrase "upset stomach" often which means that you have stomach pain or discomfort. "Upset" means to be unhappy, so if someone says that their stomach is "upset" it is like they're saying that their stomach is not is not happy. Happy being healthy and free of pain. "When I am stressed my stomach hurts" - stress or worries in life can affect many parts of the body. A common area where people feel discomfort or pain when they're worried about something is in their stomach. If someone is waiting to hear back on a job that they interviewed for or waiting to receive test scores, these types of stresses could cause someone's stomach to feel painful or uncomfortable.
"My stomach gets upset when I am stressed." (ストレスがたまるとお腹の調子が悪くなる) - 米国では「upset stomach」というフレーズがよく使われます。これは、胃の痛みや不調を表します。「upset」は「調子が悪い」という意味です。「upset stomach」は胃の調子が悪いことを表します。 "When I am stressed my stomach hurts" (ストレスがたまると、お腹が痛くなる) - ストレスや悩みは体のいろいろなところに影響を及ぼします。胃は、悩みがあるときに、症状が出やすい部分です。例えば、試験や面接の結果を待っているとき。このようなストレスは胃の不調を引き起こすことがあります。
Leesha DMM英会話講師
  • The stress I have is effecting my stomach.

  • I've been experiencing stomachaches because of stress.

  • The stress I have is causing me to have stomachaches.

The three sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you have stomachaches because of stress. In the first sentence you will notice the verb effect and in the third sentence you will notice the verb cause. Although these two words have different meanings in these two sentences they both mean to bring about.
上記三つの例文は、ストレスで胃が痛いことを伝える言い方です。 一つ目の文では「effect(=動詞)」、二つ目の文では「cause(=動詞)」が使われています。この二つはいろいろな意味で使われますが、例文では、どちらも「引き起こす、もたらす」という意味です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • My stomach gives me jip when I'm stressed

  • I often get stomach pain due to stress

You want to say that you often have stomach ache due to stress. This seems to be a physical reaction to a mental challenge of some sort. Any of the above suggestions will fit this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have a stomachache due to stress

  • My stomachache was caused by stress

  • I have a stomachache because I am stressed

You can use any of the above statements to express the fact that you have/had a sore stomach (stomachache) that was caused by stress.
Wiggins DMM英会話講師
  • I suffer daily from abdominal cramps because I am so stressed out.

  • I think I have developed a stomach ulcer because of stress.

1. I suffer daily from abdominal cramps because I am so stressed out. This means that the stress and anxiety caused by either your job or personal problems is causing you to suffer from pain in your abdominal area. Another informal term for the abdomen is "belly". Example: "I have a bellyache." 2. I think I have developed a stomach ulcer because of stress. A stomach ulcer refers to a painful sore along the lining of the stomach.Stress and anxiety are the main culprits of this condition.The verb, "develop" is commonly used to describe the onset or start of an ulcer.
1. I suffer daily from abdominal cramps because I am so stressed out.(ストレスで毎日おなかが痛い) これは、仕事やプライベートのストレスで「おなかが痛い」と伝えています。"belly" は「腹」のカジュアルな言い方です。 例: "I have a bellyache."(腹が痛い) 2. I think I have developed a stomach ulcer because of stress.(ストレスで胃潰瘍になったのだと思う) "stomach ulcer"(胃潰瘍)は、胃の壁がただれて傷ついた状態をいいます。胃潰瘍は主にストレスが原因で引き起こされます。「胃潰瘍を発症する」の「発症する」には "develop" という動詞が使われることが多いです。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I have acute stomach aches due to stress.

  • I have stomach aches that are caused by stress.

If you would like to explain to someone that you keep having stomach aches due to stress, you can say something like "I have acute stomach aches due to stress." or "I have stomach aches that are caused by stress.". All of the above sentences explain that you get stomach aches caused by stress.
「ストレスで胃が痛くなることがある」は次のように言えます。 "I have acute stomach aches due to stress."(ストレスでひどい腹痛になることがある) "I have stomach aches that are caused by stress."(ストレスで胃が痛くなることがある) どちらも「ストレスのせいで胃が痛くなることがある」と伝えます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I have a stomach ache because of stress.

  • I've got an upset stomach due to stress.

the word "because" is usually used to explain the reason for something to happen or take place. "I have a stomach ache because of stress." Meaning it's the stress that caused your stomach ache.YOu may also say " I have a stomach ache due to stress". In this sentence, you used the word Due instead of because to explain the reason. YOu may also say my stomach ache is caused by stress, or I have a stress induced stomach ache. There are plenty of ways to say it, the bottom line is the presence of the words because, due to, caused by explains the reason.
"because" は理由を説明するときによく使われます。 "I have a stomach ache because of stress." は「ストレスでおなかが痛い」という意味です。 他に、"I have a stomach ache due to stress"(ストレスでおなかが痛い)と言うこともできます。この文では、"because" の代わりに "due" を使って理由を説明しています。 また、"My stomach ache is caused by stress"(おなかが痛いのはストレスのせいだ)や "I have a stress induced stomach ache"(ストレスでおなかが痛い)と言うこともできます。言い方はたくさんあります。ポイントは「"because" "due to" "caused by" などの言葉が理由を説明する」ということです。
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • I have a stomach ache when I get stressed

  • Stress causes me to have stomach aches

Ache means pain or some kind of hurt in your body. Both of these sentences can be used to describe your problem. For example -I was so stressed the whole week, it has given me stomach problems
"Ache" は体の「痛み」をいいます。 上のどちらの文でもこの悩みを伝えることができます。 例: I was so stressed the whole week, it has given me stomach problems(一週間ずっとストレスを感じていて、胃が痛くなってしまった)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Stress causes me to have a stomachache

  • My stomachache is caused by stress.

If you are wanting to explain the reason for your stomachaches are because of stress, you can say "Stress causes me to have a stomachache."
「ストレスがたまると胃が痛くなる」は次のように言えます。 "Stress causes me to have a stomachache."(ストレスがたまると胃が痛くなる)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • "My stomach hurts from stress"

  • "I have a stomach ache every day because of stress"

  • "When I get stressed I sometimes get a stomach ache as a result"

If you wanted to explain that your stomach hurts, and this is due to stress, you could say any of the following: "My stomach hurts from stress", "I have a stomach ache every day because of stress" or "When I get stressed I sometimes get a stomach ache as a result". Any of these statements explain why your stomach is hurting.
「ストレスで胃が痛い」は次のように言えます。 "My stomach hurts from stress"(ストレスで胃が痛い) "I have a stomach ache every day because of stress"(毎日ストレスで胃が痛い) "When I get stressed I sometimes get a stomach ache as a result"(ストレスがたまると胃が痛くなることがある) 上のどの文でも、「ストレスで胃が痛い」を説明できます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I have been having stomach pain, since I have been so stressed.

  • I'm so stressed that I have been getting stomach pain.

  • My stomach has been hurting do to recent stress.

These are different ways to say that you have been having stomach pains due to stress.Sometimes when people are really stressed out their stomach starts hurting or their head, it just depends on how the person deals with stress. Here are few more examples on how you can inform someone that due to stress you get stomach pains. I have been stressed out so much lately, that I'm constantly getting stomach pains. My stomach pains come and go depending on how stressed out I am. I get stomach pains every time I'm stressed. Whenever I'm stressed, I take my medication because I know the stomach pain will becoming sooner or later. It's been a stressful week and my stomach pain will not go away do to the stress. I took some pain medication so that my stomach pain would go away, I've been very stressed out lately.
「ストレスで胃が痛い」と伝える言い方です。 ストレスがたまると、頭や胃が痛くなることがありますね。ストレスに対してどう対処するかは重要です。 「ストレスで胃が痛くなる」の他の言い方を下にお示ししました。 I have been stressed out so much lately, that I'm constantly getting stomach pains.(最近ストレスがたまっていて、よく胃が痛くなる) My stomach pains come and go depending on how stressed out I am.(ストレスがたまると、胃が痛くなる) I get stomach pains every time I'm stressed.(ストレスがたまると、胃が痛くなる) Whenever I'm stressed, I take my medication because I know the stomach pain will becoming sooner or later.(ストレスがたまったら、薬を飲みます。遅かれ早かれ胃が痛くなるので) It's been a stressful week and my stomach pain will not go away do to the stress.(今週は大変な一週間でした。ストレスで胃が痛いです) I took some pain medication so that my stomach pain would go away, I've been very stressed out lately.(胃が痛かったので薬を飲みました。最近ストレスがたまっています)
Berta DMM英会話講師
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