世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/21 21:42
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  • I have a sense something will happen.

  • I have a hunch something will happen.

「予感」の表し方ですが、 「sense」 「hunch」 などと表現できます。 二つの単語の使われ方には、 特に大きな違いはありません。 ご参考にされてください☆
  • I have a feeling that something good/bad is going to happen.

  • I got a feeling that something is going to happen.

I have a feeling that something good/bad is going to happen.- This means that you can feel it inside you that something bad/good is going to happen. I got a feeling that something is going to happen.- This means that something is "telling" you that something may happen that is either good/bad.
I have a feeling that something good/bad is going to happen.- なにかいいこと/悪いころが起こる予感がするという事です。 I got a feeling that something is going to happen.- なにかによっていいこと/悪いことが起こる予感がする事です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I have a gut feeling that something will happen.

A gut feeling; 直感/虫の知らせ I have a gut feeling that something bad is gonna happen. 何か悪いことが起きる予感がする。
  • I gut instinct tells me that something bad is about to happen

  • I have a terrible feeling of impending doom!

  • It seems quite ominous to me.

Ominous = giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly inauspicious. "There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead." synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy, inauspicious, unpropitious, portentous, unfavourable, dire, unpromising; Gut instinct = an instinctive feeling, as opposed to an opinion or idea based on facts "For all the wonders of modern technology, there is no substitute for the gut instinct of a skilled police officer." Impending doom = used to refer to an event, usually something unpleasant or unwanted, that is going to happen soon: impending disaster/doom.
Ominous = 何か悪いことが起こる予感がして心配すること (英文)"There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead." (訳)「悪い予感を感じさせる暗い雲が頭上にあった。」 同義語:        threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy, inauspicious, unpropitious, portentous, unfavourable, dire, unpromising; Gut instinct = 感情的本能 (英文)"For all the wonders of modern technology, there is no substitute for the gut instinct of a skilled police officer." (訳)「現代では様々なテクノロジーがあるけれど、経験豊富な警察官の本能に勝るものはない」 Impending doom = イベントを示している。だいたい起こってほしくない事: impending disaster/doom.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I've got a funny feeling.

  • Something is not right here.

  • I feel that something is off.

"a funny feeling" is a sense that something is wrong, unusual, or not the way it's supposed to be.
"a funny feeling" は、何かおかしい、いつもと違う、といった感覚を表します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Something tells me something (good) is about to happen

  • Something is about to happen. I can feel it in my bones

When you want to talk about having a feeling that something is about to happen, then you can say: -Something tells me something (good) is about to happen -Something is about to happen. I can feel it in my bones Remember: the phrase "I can feel it in my bones" indicates a strong feeling a person has.
何かが起きるような予感がしたとき、つぎの様に言い表すことが出来ます。 【例】 -Something tells me something (good) is about to happen (何か(いい事)が起きる予感がします) -Something is about to happen. I can feel it in my bones (何かが起きる直感がします) 次の表現を覚えておいてください。 "I can feel it in my bones" (直感がする/確かな予感がする) これは強い感じがする、という意味になります。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I have a feeling something will happen

  • I have a gut feeling something will happen

  • I sense something will happen

My intuition is telling me that something will happen. Intuition means that someone considers something likely to happen based on a gut feeling, rather than logical thought. There is no proof. It is a feeling. or a sense.
My intuition is telling me that something will happen. (何かが起きる予感がする) Intuition(直感/勘)は、論理よりも直観に基づいて、何かが起きそうであると考慮することです。 ですから、証明はないのです。フィーリングとかセンスのなせることですね。
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
  • a feeling of anticipation of

  • anxiety over a future event

  • a forwarning

"a feeling of anticipation of" "anxiety over a future event" "a forewarning" Previous notice or warning. Anticipation of an event without conscious reason. An early warning of a future event. Why do i feel there is going to be an impending doom. A weird paranoid feeling.
"a feeling of anticipation of" (~が起きそうな予感がする) "anxiety over a future event" (近々あるイベントの事が不安) "a forewarning"(早期警戒) 上記のフレーズは 「前もった予告や警告」特に理由もないのに「何か起こるのでは」という予感のことを言います。 Why do I feel there is going to be an impending doom? (なぜ私は悪いことが差し迫っているような気がするのか?)ー 被害妄想のように考えすぎてしまう状態
Ronel DMM英会話講師
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