世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/11 19:17
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  • I don’t feel like doing anything today.

  • I don’t want to do anything today.

  • I wanna have a lazy day today.

日本語の直訳は1番目です。 I don’t feel like doing anything today. Feel like ~ing=〜する気 Today I feel like going hiking. 今日はハイキングする気があります。 don't feel like ~in=〜する気になれない Today I don't feel like doing anything. 今日は[何もしたくない](気分です。 2番目は一番簡単な言い方です。単に「今日は何もしたくない」です。 3番目はネイティブがよく使うフレーズです。 lazyの直訳は「[怠ける](」ですが、この場合は「暇・のんびりした」という意味です。 「今日は何もしない日になってほしい。」
  • I don't feel like doing anything today.

  • Today is my lazy day.

I don't feel like doing anything today. 今日はなにもする気がしない。 Today is my lazy day. 「今日は[だらける](日だ。」 今日は[何もしない](でダラダラする!と言いたい時に使える表現です。 lazyはだらけるとか怠け者という意味があります。
  • I don't feel like doing anything.

  • I don't feel very productive.

Bruno Mars wrote a great song about this exact idea. In the first lines he says, "Today I don't feel like doing anything/ I just wanna lay in my bed." I totally approve of that way of expressing the idea, and also of taking a day off from time to time! :D Another more formal way of expressing the idea would be, "I don't feel very productive."
ブルーノ・マーズの曲は、まさにこのこといってます。 最初の歌詞でToday I don't feel like doing anything/ I just wanna lay in my bed. 「今日は何もしたくない気分だ、ただベッドで寝っ転がっていたい」 時々休みたいっていうときに使う表現としてはすごく良いですね。 I don'e feel very productiveという表現もフォーマルな言い方としてありますよ。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • I don't feel like doing much today.

  • I can't be bothered to do anything today.

  • I'm feeling a bit lazy today

'I don't feel like' and 'I can't be bothered' are phrases used to say you don't want to do something. Another way is to say you are feeling lazy today.
I don't feel like や I can't be bothered は、やりたくないことを表す表現です。 ほかにも、I'm feeling lazy today と言うこともできますよ。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I'm feeling lazy/weary today

  • I just want to relax/chill out today

Chill out' is an informal way of saying relax 'Weary' means to be physically or mentally tired. The first sentence implies that you don't want to do anything, while the second statement actually says it.
chill out' は「くつろぐ(to relax)」という意味のインフォーマルな言い方です。 'weary' には「肉体的または精神的に疲れた」という意味があります。 一つ目の文は、何もしたくないことを暗示します。 二つ目では「やりたくない」と実際に言っています。
Laura P DMM英会話講師
  • I'm lazy today.

  • I'm having a lazy day!

If someone is lazy, they do not want to work or make any effort to do anything. -------------------------------------------------------- I was too lazy to learn how to read music. I'm having a lazy day! We would have a lazy lunch and then lie on the beach in the sun. They remind me of the school holidays and lazy summer afternoons. Are you lazy or just incompetent?
lazy(怠惰な)というのは、働いたり何かをする努力をしたくないことです。 -------------------------------------------------------- I was too lazy to learn how to read music.(やる気がなくて楽譜の読み方を学ばなかった) I'm having a lazy day!(今日はだらだらしています!) We would have a lazy lunch and then lie on the beach in the sun.(だらだら昼食をとって、太陽の下ビーチで横になる) They remind me of the school holidays and lazy summer afternoons.(これらは学校の休みとだらだらした夏の午後を思い出させる) Are you lazy or just incompetent?(やる気がないの?それとも能力がないの?)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I can't be bothered.

  • I am going to have a chilled day.

  • I ain't doing nothing.!

I can't be bothered. - Most common, kind of depressive in some cases. I would say using this you just want to be left alone. People may question it, but all depends on your mood. I am going to have a chilled day. - If your friends or people ask you what are you doing Saturday/today. You can say "I am going to have a chilled day" which tell the person/people that you will do your own thing. I ain't doing nothing.! - Said in the correct tone of voice. This will tell the person/people that you are either upset or exhausted. Majority of the time when you say this you will not be followed up with another question and the other person normally says "ok".
I can't be bothered-最も使われるのは、うつ病のような場合もあります。 私はこれを使うとき、あなたは一人でいたいことを表します。 人々はそれに疑問を抱くかもしれませんが、あなたの気分次第です。 I am going to have a chilled day. - あなたの友人や人々が土曜日/今日何をやっているのか聞いてきた時 "I am going to have a chilled day"と言うことができます。 これはあなたが自分自身の何かをすることを表します。 I ain't doing nothing.! - これを正しいトーンで言った場合、これはあなたが怒っているか疲れているかを伝えます。 あなたがこれを言う多くの場合、あなたが別の質問に従うことはなく、他の人は通常「ok」と言います。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • A) Today i don't feel like doing anything.

  • B) I don't feel very productive today.

A) Today i don't feel like doing anything. - I am feeling lazy / I do not feel motivated/ i do not want to do anything B) I don't feel very productive today. *Productive- If you're productive, that means you do a lot. I hope this helps :-)
A) Today i don't feel like doing anything.(今日は何もやる気が出ない) - I am feeling lazy / I do not feel motivated/ i do not want to do anything(だらだらしたい気分だ/モチベーションがない/何もしたくない) B) I don't feel very productive today.(今日はあまりやる気が出ない) *Productive- productiveというのは色々なことをする(充実する)という意味です。 お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I'm feeling so lazy today!

  • 2. I'm not going anywhere today

  • 3. I'm feeling a bit lethargic today

1. You can barely move a muscle. Are you ill? Best stay indoors. 2. You make a decision not to leave your home today. 3. Lethargic = affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic.
1. 筋肉をほとんど動かさないときもありますよね。病気ですか?そんなときは家にいた方が良いですね。 2. 今日は家を離れないという決断を伝える表現です。 3. Lethargic=嗜眠に影響される。鈍くて無感覚な。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Today, I just would like to relax and do nothing at all.

  • I am in the mood for relaxation today.

  • I won't be doing any household chores today. This is my relaxation day.

There are some days when one feels like not doing anything at all. On such days, one fees like just relaxing, may be in bed or on the couch watching TV, or out in the garden relaxing on a garden chair under a shady tree. It is extremely important to unwind like this, especially if one has been working hard and needed a welcome rest. So, on such a day, you may say: Today, I just would like to relax and do nothing at all. or I am in the mood for relaxation today. or I won't be doing any household chores today. This is my relaxation day.
なにもしたくない日ってありますよね。 そんな日は、布団の中やソファでテレビを観ながら、または庭の木陰で椅子に揺られてのんびりしたいですね。 一生懸命働いていて休憩が必要なときはとくに、こんな風にのんびりすることも非常に大切です。 このようなフレーズが言えます。 Today, I just would like to relax and do nothing at all. (今日はリラックスしてなんにもしたくないな。) I am in the mood for relaxation today. (今日はリラックス気分です。) I won't be doing any household chores today. This is my relaxation day. (今日は家事をやりません。息抜きの日にします。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I do not have any motivation to do anything today.

  • I did not feel up to doing anything today.

If you would like to express to someone that you had no motivation to do anything today, you can say something like "I do not have any motivation to do anything today." or "I did not feel up to doing anything today.". These are som e easy ways to express this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • lazy (adj)

  • to not be motivated

  • I feel lazy today

You can use the adjective 'lazy' to describe when you feel like doing nothing. EX) I feel lazy today. You can also say "I do not fell motivated to do anything today." To feel motivated is when you have energy and strong reasons to do something.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
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