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2016/11/24 19:37
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  • It's the first time in 54 years that it has snowed in November.

「11月に雪が降ったのは54年ぶり」は英語でこのようです。 It's the first time in 54 years that it has snowed in November. 例文: I met my friends from high school for the first time in 10 years. 高校の友達と10年ぶりに会いました。 I just got a fever for the first time in five years. 5年ぶりに熱がありました。 ご参考までに!
  • It snowed in November for the first time in 54 years.

In order to say that it snowed for the first time in 54 years in November, you can simply say: It snowed in November for the first time in 54 years. For the first time in 54 years: This means it is the first time it has happened in that amount of time. I hope that helps!
54年ぶりに、11月に雪が降ったというためには、以下のように簡単に言うことができます。 It snowed in November for the first time in 54 years. -54年間で初めて11月に雪が降ったよ。 For the first time in 54 years: これはその期間に起こったのは今回が初めてであると言うことを意味します。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • It's the first time in 54 years that it snowed in November.

  • The last time it snowed in November was 54 years ago.

You can say : It's the first time in 54 years that it snowed in November. The last time it snowed in November was 54 years ago.
次のように言うことができます。 It's the first time in 54 years that it snowed in November. 54年ぶりに11月に雪が降りました。 The last time it snowed in November was 54 years ago. 11月に雪が降ったのは54年ぶりです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It snowed in November for the first time in 54 years!

  • It's the first time in 54 years it has snowed in Novemeber

The 'first time in 54 years' means that it hasn't snowed in 54 years and this is the first time since then it has happened. To say 'in Novemeber' it explains when it happened So you could say 'It snowed in November for the first time in 54 years!' or 'It's the first time in 54 years it has snowed in November'
「the first time in 54 years(54年ぶり)」は、雪が降ったのが54年ぶりだったことを表します。 「in Novemeber(11月)」は、それがいつ起こったのかを説明しています。 したがって以下のように言えます。 It snowed in November for the first time in 54 years! It's the first time in 54 years it has snowed in November. (11月に雪が降ったのは54年ぶりです。)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The last time its snowed in November was 54 years ago.

▪The last time its snowed in November was 54 years ago. The last time= the previous time it happened. ago=before the present Example Friend: Does it always snow in November? You:The last time its snowed in November was 54 years ago.
▪The last time its snowed in November was 54 years ago. (最後に11月に雪が降ったのは54年前のことでした。) The last time(前回)=前回起こったこと Ago(以前)=現在より前 例 友達:Does it always snow in November? (11月にはいつも雪が降るんですか?) あなた:The last time its snowed in November was 54 years ago. (11月に雪が降ったのは54年前が最後です。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • After 54 years it has finally snowed in November.

Native speakers will say like this: “It's the first time in 54 years that it has snowed in November ”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Look, it's snowing! B: Wow, this is the first time in 54 years that it has snowed in November.
ネイティブスピーカーなら、このように言うでしょう: “It's the first time in 54 years that it has snowed in November ”. (11月に雪が降るのは54年ぶりです) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話で使うと次のようになります: A: Look, it's snowing! [訳]見て!雪が降ってる! B: Wow, this is the first time in 54 years that it has snowed in November. [訳]わあ、11月に雪が降るのは54年振りだよ
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • 1. It's the first time in 54 years that we've had snow in November

  • 2. It hasn't snowed here in November since 1963

1. The use of 'we' in this sentence indicates that the speaker is talking about the place where he lives. 2. In this sentence 'since' is used, which indicates the starting point of something., or the period of time between a date in the past and present time. "I haven't had a glass of white wine since I was in my twenties!"
1. この文で「we」は、彼が住んでいる場所について話していることを示しています。 2. この文の「since」は、何か始まりの場所を指し示す、もしくは過去と現在の間の期間を示しています。 I haven't had a glass of white wine since I was in my twenties! 20代の頃から白ワインのグラスを飲んでいません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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