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2019/06/19 10:56
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  • "It's snowing"

  • "It is currently snowing"

  • "There is snow falling where I am"

If it is snowing where you are located, you could say any of the following: "It's snowing", "It is currently snowing" or "There is snow falling where I am". All three of these examples are statements are allow you to express that snow is here.
「こっちは雪が降っている」は、次のように言えます。 "It's snowing"(雪が降っています) "It is currently snowing"(今雪が降っています) "There is snow falling where I am"(こっちは雪が降っています) これらはすべて「こっちは雪が降っている」と伝える言い方です。 例: It's snowing where I am. How is it where you are? 私がいるところは雪が降っています。あなたがいるところはどうですか? snow = 雪、雪が降る snowing = 雪が降っている currently = 現在
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • It's snowing

  • Snow is falling

  • We have snow now

If you want to expressto someone that it is snowing where you are, you can use any one of the statements following:- 1. It's snowing - This simply means snow is falling. 2. Snow is falling - This also means what it says. 3.We have snow now - This could mean that it is snowing right now, or that it snowed some time ago and there is snow on the ground. Some countries have a lot of snow during winter time for example, Canada. In other countries it's unusual for there to be snow during winter, for example in some places in Japan.
「こっちでは雪が降っている」は次のように言えます。 1. It's snowing →シンプルに「雪が降っている」という意味です。 2. Snow is falling →これも「雪が降っている」という意味。 3. We have snow now →これは二通りの解釈ができます。一つは「今雪が降っている」、もう一つは「今雪が積もっている」。 国によって、冬に雪がたくさん降る所もあれば(例えばカナダ)、めったに降らない所もあります(例えば、日本の一部)。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It is snowing.

It is snowing here now. 「ここでは今雪が降っているよ」 雪が降っているはIt is snowingです。 It is は It's に略すことも可能です。 参考になると幸いです!
Rui I DMM英会話講師
  • It's snowing here.

  • The snow is really coming down.

  • It's snowing hard.

"It's snowing here." is the most simple way to say what this type of weather is and that it is happening in the present moment, where you are. When you want to express that the snow is of a large amount you can use the two expressions - "The snow is really coming down." or "It's snowing hard." Other ways of describing the different snow amounts are - "It's snowing lightly." "It's flurrying."
"It's snowing here." は「こっちでは雪が降っている」の最もシンプルな言い方です。 雪が激しく降っているなら、 "The snow is really coming down."(雪が激しく降っている) または "It's snowing hard."(雪が激しく降っている) という表現が使えます。 また、雪の量を表す言い方としては、 "It's snowing lightly."(雪がちらちら降っている) "It's flurrying."(雪がちらちら降っている) などもあります。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • We're experiencing snow here!

  • There's snow falling here.

  • It's snowing out, today.

It's snowing out, today. This means that outside, there is snow. Snowy weather looks fun and cold! People have many different things they like to do when it snows. Some people enjoy staying indoors and reading or watching their favorite movie or series. Snowy weather is cold! You need to keep warm by wearing thick clothing. "It's snowing here mom, I don't think I came with enough warm clothes to survive for this city, I'll have to go shopping this weekend!"
It's snowing out, today. は、外は雪が降っているという意味です。 雪の日は楽しくて寒いものです。雪が降ると人は色々な好きなことをして楽しみます。 室内にいて、読書をしたり、好きな映画やテレビを見たりする人もいます。雪の日は寒いので、厚い服をきて暖かくする必要があります。   "It's snowing here mom, I don't think I came with enough warm clothes to survive for this city, I'll have to go shopping this weekend!" (お母さん、ここ雪が降っているよ。この都市に耐えられる暖かい服でこなかったから、今週末買い物に行かなくちゃ!)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • It's snowing here.

  • It's snowing very hard here!

  • We're getting a little snow today.

There are many ways to describe snowfall by changing a single word in the sentence. For example: "It snowed yesterday, but it was just a dusting." ("Dusting" describes a light coating of snow on the ground that is barely visible, like dust.) "There are just scattered flurries here." ("Flurries" describes light, intermittent snowfall.) "The forecast is calling for a blizzard today." ("Blizzard" describes heavy, prolonged snowfall.) "It's a whiteout here!" ("Whiteout" describes snowfall so dense that you can only see snow, like a fog.)
単語を一つ置き換えるだけで、さまざまな「雪」を表すことができます。 例えば: "It snowed yesterday, but it was just a dusting."(昨日雪が降ったけどほこりが舞う程度だった) ※ "Dusting" は、ほこりのように薄く雪が積もることをいいます。 "There are just scattered flurries here."(こっちは時々にわか雪が降る程度です) ※ "Flurries" は断続的に降る雪を指します。 "The forecast is calling for a blizzard today."(天気予報では今日は吹雪になっている) ※ "Blizzard" は、雪が長時間にわたって激しく降ることをいいます。 "It's a whiteout here!"(こっちは吹雪です) ※ "Whiteout" は、周りが見えないくらいの激しい雪(まるで霧のような雪)を指します。
Robert Hein DMM英会話講師
  • We're experiencing quite a bit of snowfall.

  • We are experiencing some snow showers.

1. We're experiencing quite a bit of snowfall. Snowfall literally means that snow is falling and that the ground is covered in white snow. Snowflakes are ice crystals. 2.We are experiencing some snow showers. A snow shower refers to very light snowfall for a short period of time. If the snowfall is heavy and continuous (constant) then one can say: "We are experiencing heavy snowstorms."
1. We're experiencing quite a bit of snowfall.(こっちではかなり雪が降っている) "Snowfall" は雪が降って地面に積もることをいいます。 "Snowflakes" は氷の結晶です。 2. We are experiencing some snow showers.(雪が降ったりやんだりしている) "snow shower" は、短時間降る雪をいいます。 長時間激しく降る雪は、次のように表せます。 "We are experiencing heavy snowstorms."(こちらは吹雪になっている)
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • It's snowing

  • There is snow outside

Your example can be used, although, just to have some options you can use another example I gave you. I usually say "it's snowing" because it's a shorter way of explaining myself.
あなたの考えた例で大丈夫です。私からも一つ別の言い方をご紹介しています、表現の幅が広がるようにです。 私はたいてい "it's snowing" と言います。こちらの方がシンプルなので。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • It's snowing outside!

  • It's snowing where I am!

These are 2 common phrases used in America to describe when it's snowing where you are: The phrase "It's snowing outside" is usually used when you're currently with someone/group of people and you happen to look out the window and see that there is snow falling. Depending on how you feel about snow you can say it happily, or angrily. The phrase "It's snowing where I am" could be used when you're talking on the phone/messaging someone who is not in the same area as you are in the moment, but informing them about the current weather status.
これらは、「雪が降っている」と伝えるとき、アメリカでよく使われる表現です。 "It's snowing outside"(雪が降っている) このフレーズは普通、窓の外を見て雪が降っていることに気付いたとき、その場にいる人に対して使います。これはその時の気持ちに応じて、うれしい気持ちも不満な気持ちも表します。 "It's snowing where I am"(こちらでは雪が降っている) このフレーズは電話・メールなどで、その場にいない人に天気を伝えるときに使うことができます。
Leesha DMM英会話講師
  • It is snowing now.

  • It's snowing outside.

If you are wanting to tell someone that it is snowing outside, you can say something like "It is snowing now." or "It's snowing outside.". This will tell someone that it is snowing outside right now.
「外では雪が降っている」と相手に伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "It is snowing now."(今、雪が降っています) "It's snowing outside."(外は雪が降っています) これで、「今、外で雪が降っている」と伝わります。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • It's snowing here

  • It has started to snow here

  • snow is falling

the most basic way to say this would be, "it's snowing," as it describes when the rain actually turns to snow due to the cold weather. You can also use the phrase, "it has started," to describe that this is something new or different than other days where there is typically rain. We can also use the phrase, "is falling," to describe that it is falling or coming down from the sky. These expressions can also be used with, "to rain," or, "to hail."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • There's a lof of snow falling outside where I'm at at the moment.

keitoさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 上の文脈を英語で表現したい場合は、下記の言い方ではいかがでしょうか。 ・ There's a lof of snow falling outside where I'm at at the moment. 訳: 私のところは、いま外はすごく雪が降っている。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • It's snowing.

「雪が降っている」というのは、現在進行形で It is snowing. と表現します。 過去形なら It snowed yesterday. 「昨日雨が降った」 未来なら It will snow tomorrow. 「明日雪が降るだろう」 と言います(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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