世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/06 00:57
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  • I wanted to talk with people from a lot of countries

  • I wanted to talk with people from all over the world

  • I want to talk with people from all over the world

Hey there! ユーコネクトのアーサーです。 チャットアプリで色々な国の方々と喋れてとてもお勧めします。ぜひ頑張ってください。 理由としていう時に、アメリカ人はよく過去形を使います。 でも現在形も使っても問題ありません。 「色んな[国](の人」これはとてもカジュアルな言い方なので「many」より「a lot」にしました。 でもこの言い方は少し直訳っぽいより自然でかっこいい言い方はn People from all over the worldです。 なのでオススメの言い方は I wanted to talk with people from all over the world よろしくお願いします。 アーサーより
  • I wanna talk with people from around the world.

  • I wanna talk with people from many countries.

「[~したい](」とカジュアルに言うときは、wanna(want to)をよく使います。フォーマルな場ではwould like toを代わりに使うことが多いですね。^^ 色んな国と言うときは、「[世界中](から」という意味のaround the worldを使ったり、「多くの国」という意味のmany countriesを使ってみるといいですね。^^
Ami オンライン英会話講師、翻訳家、英語習得カウンセラー
  • I want to talk to people from all over the world

  • I want to talk with people from many different countries

I want to talk to people from all over the world=世界中の人と話したいんだ all over=あっちこっち、そこらじゅう I want to talk with people from many different countries=色んな国の人達と話したいんだ 前者と同じ意味です。
  • I chat on this site in order to speak with foreign people

  • I use this site to communicate with people living abroad

"Henry? What are you doing?" "Excuse me one minute.........I was just finishing a chat with Clara from Milan in Italy." "Oh, how did you come to start chatting with her?" "Well, I started learning English and someone told me about this international chat room where people can practice speaking English." "That's a great idea!" "Yes, so I use this site to communicate with people living abroad. You should try it!"
例 "Henry? What are you doing?" ヘンリー?何をしているんだい? "Excuse me one minute.........I was just finishing a chat with Clara from Milan in Italy." ちょっと待ってね、ミランにいるくららと話していたんだ。 "Oh, how did you come to start chatting with her?" ああ、どうやって彼女と話してたの? "Well, I started learning English and someone told me about this international chat room where people can practice speaking English." 英語を習い始めてね、英語を勉強するのにこのインターナショナルチャットルームが良いと教えてくれた人がいたんだ。 "That's a great idea!" "良いアイディアだね。" "Yes, so I use this site to communicate with people living abroad. You should try it!" "うん、海外に住んでいる人と会話するときにこれを使うんだ。君も使ったほうがいいよ。"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • communicate

  • contact

  • speak to

example "i joined this really good chat room, I can communicate with other people from all over the world". or "i joined a chat room recently, to speak to people from all over the world". "i like to speak to people from different parts of the globe, so i joined a chat room that is really good for this".
例文 "I joined this really good chat room, I can communicate with other people from all over the world". この本当に良いチャットルームに参加して、世界中の人と話すことが出来ています。 "I joined a chat room recently, to speak to people from all over the world". 世界中の人と話すために、最近チャットルームに参加した "I like to speak to people from different parts of the globe, so i joined a chat room that is really good for this". 世界中の色々な国の人と話したいと思っているので、この目的に本当に合っているチャットルームに参加した
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I want to use this service because I want to chat with people from various countries.

  • I want to be able to shoot the breeze with people from different countries.

In English we use the term shoot the breeze to express talking or chatting. This is a term that is common in our everyday conversation and appropriate for an informal setting. We would not want to use this term in the office, a business meeting, or another formal setting. This term would be a great addition to your vocabulary.
「shoot the breeze」は「話す、おしゃべりする」という意味です。日常会話でよく使われる表現で、インフォーマルな場面に適しています。オフィス、仕事のミーティングなどフォーマルな場面では使いません。 「shoot the breeze」、覚えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I want the opportunity to chat with people from all over the world.

  • I want to chat with anyone, anywhere around the world.

I want the opportunity to chat with people from all over the world.', lets others know the reason for wanting to use a certain messaging app so you can talk to anyone around the world.
I want the opportunity to chat with people from all over the world.' 〔訳〕世界中の人とおしゃべりしたいんです。 世界中の人とお話しできるように、そのメッセージングアプリを使う理由を伝えています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I want to speak with people from different countries.

  • I want to meet people from different countries.

  • I like meeting people from foreign countries.

Here in the first two examples we can see that we can use the verbs, "to speak or to meet," interchangeably and keep the same meaning. In addition we can change the verb, "to want," to, "to like," and also change the words, "different countries," to, "foreign countries," and still keep the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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